India-US partnership: Deeper but challenges of mutual expectations remain



When PM Modi remarked that ‘today the India-US relationship is broader in engagement, deeper in understanding, and warmer in friendship than ever before,’ he was referring to the transformation of the relationship from the phase of ‘mutual suspicion’ in the 20th century to the Special Strategic and Global Partnership in the 21st century. However, several challenges persist in furthering this partnership.

To understand these challenges better, it is essential to revisit past divergences that continue to shape the present. One significant issue was the US approach towards the Indian subcontinent, marked by three key dimensions. First, the USA’s soft approach towards Pakistan (which had joined the SEATO and the Baghdad Pact), viewing the latter as instrumental in containing communism in Asia and as a potential influencer on China against Russia, ignoring Pakistan's nurturing of state-sponsored terrorist groups. Second, hyphenating India and Pakistan and trying to influence their bilateral relations. Third, turning a blind eye to Pakistan’s nuclear programme and its proliferation activities.

The US also had three concerns. First, India was seen as being close to communist China and speaking for that country. Second, India’s close relations with the Soviet Union and later with Russia. In the 1990s, India and Russia supported their mutual fight against terrorism as Taliban-controlled Afghanistan became a common security challenge. Third, India opposed the US intervention in Korea and Vietnam.

Four factors brought the US and India closer. First, after the initial knee-jerk reaction involving the condemnation of tests and the imposition of sanctions, the US began to realise that India needed to be engaged in a meaningful dialogue, and several rounds of discussions were held between Indian and US officials as early as 1999. Second, the Kargil Conflict revealed the combined machinations of Pakistan and China to secure international mediation on Kashmir. Third, once the constraints of the Cold War period diminished, globalisation acted as the principal driver for closer relations between the two countries. The world has become more interconnected and interdependent.

The spread of financial products, goods, technology, information, and jobs across national borders and cultures pushed nations to establish or strengthen linkages among themselves. Thus, the improvement of relations in various sectors between India and US was a natural progression. Fourth, India, with its Look East policy emerged as an important player in Southeast Asia- a vital region for the US. Both were concerned over China’s aggressive activities and desired peace and security in the region and beyond. This convergence finally resulted in the formation of the Quad. The strategic cooperation later extended to West Asia, when I2U2 was formed.

Over the past two decades, cooperation between the two countries has widened covering various fields including political, economic, technological, counter-terrorism, security, defence, cyber, health, climate, space, and clean energy. There are more than 50 dialogue mechanisms. The economic relationship improved significantly. Since 2000, trade has increased twenty times with bilateral trade in goods and services exceeding $200 billion in 2023. The defence cooperation has resulted in the acquisition of several pieces of US equipment worth about $25 billion. The US is also supporting the IMEC and the Global Biofuel Alliance.

Notwithstanding these advancements, there are six major problems related to mutual expectations. First, despite some positive movement, the WTO-related problems persist. Second, the US approach to human rights violations in India is not based on facts. India finds no logic in it and perceives this as a pro-Pak approach. The CAA is criticised based on alleged religious discrimination. This stems from the lack of understanding of its historical context. The US, too, has the Lautenberg Amendment Act, which has similar provisions. India’s strategic experts perceive this as the USA’s double standard.

Third, the Khalistani elements (US citizens) are threatening India’s PM, airline, and Parliament and talking openly about the dismemberment of India with impunity. The Indian consulate was attacked twice, and diplomats were threatened. Beyond verbal condemnation, nothing was done to curb their activities.

Fourth, the two countries have differences on Pakistan. While Pakistan is central to US strategic interests (MNNA status), India desires that its terror factories be dismantled. Pakistan is using financial aid from the US and others for its terrorist activities, which directly impacts India’s security. Besides, the US often hyphenate India with Pakistan.

Fifth, while both countries have different views on the Ukraine-Russia conflict and West Asia, India does not like to be pressured to toe the US policy. The threat of ‘consequences and costs’ sent shock waves that reverberate to this day. India greatly values its strategic autonomy in external affairs. Sixth, India finds no justification for the US interference in India’s internal legal process. This is considered a red-line that should not be crossed.

As the US and India are at different stages of development and are situated in different geographical areas, their worldviews are different and they have different security and economic interests. Hence, congruence in the strategic arena is neither possible nor should be forced upon. Both have convergence on several vital issues on which the cooperation is built. The two countries can continue to strengthen cooperation further if this understanding is kept in sharp focus and red-lines are not crossed.

As both are democracies, public opinion remains an important factor in determining their foreign policies, but more so in India, with its parliamentary form of government. The growth of closer relations enjoys societal support that demands reciprocity. It is not hardwired to absorb attacks on the core national interests or sovereignty.

The strong reaction of Indian citizens to US interference in India’s internal affairs and the continued activities of the Khalistani elements proves this. India strongly objected to the US remarks on the internal legal and political matters. This has the potential to emerge as a barrier to the growth of the India-US partnership. In 2013, the ill-treatment of our diplomat resulted in placing restrictions on the US diplomats in India.

The need is to adopt a well-balanced approach to manage contradictions and establish strong levels of comfort between the two countries. Jaishankar aptly stated that three mutuals-mutual respect, mutual sensitivity, and mutual interests are essential for a stronger relationship between nations. Adherence to these principles can only deal with the challenges of the mutual expectations in India-US relationship.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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