India population – Negative impact of projected population numbers reduction in next few decades



The last few weeks have seen news articles that while India is currently holding the top rank for largest numbers of population for a country, there are areas of concern. Within the course of a century the TFR (total fertility rate) has dropped from above 5.0 (children per woman) in 1950 to projected 1.3 in year 2050 and 1.04 by year 2100.

Against a replacement level required of 2.1 per woman in India, we will go to 1.3 in 2050, which means we are headed for a population de-growth. From the concerns of the 1960s and 1970s of a population bomb exploding, we are looking at a situation where the human race in India is slowly facing reduced numbers. This is a serious economic problem.

Being of Zoroastrian (Parsi) descent and having roots as a religion / community / culture in this wonderful nation for over 1300 years, I have personal experience of what decline in population numbers means. Countries like China, Japan, France are facing similar issues.

Your religion / culture / language / way of life just starts diminishing. Your economic weight starts declining. You become less and less relevant. Somewhere, the zest for life, economic well-being, higher standards of living and ensuring that you leave behind a worthy legacy as a community starts diminishing. Our forefathers had donated to so many Zoroastrian and secular education charities with a clear understanding that some seats be given to Zoroastrians, if they fulfil criteria. Sadly, all that lies under-utilized because there are no youth to make a claim.

Just as we as a community are facing the reality of community births being much less than deaths, India will face the same situation in 30 years. There will be no youth to propel the engines of agriculture & industry output and services. Declining population will mean declining output and the National Gross Domestic Product will decline over time. This decline of new population births /numbers will be matched by increase in longevity, so seniors will be left to fend for themselves for a longer period of time. Increasingly, family caretaking will go down.

As a Nation, India does not have a social security net in place – to take care of post-retirement years. Declining population numbers will mean less new entrants for caretaking & making corpus contributions but more claimants due to ageing and longer living population. This will put tremendous financial pressure on the inadequate existing social safety net.

The entire business portfolio of the Indian Nation will move from catering to the needs of the aspiring youth and middle age population with a smaller percentage share for senior citizens to a diminishing youth share with a greater share of middle age and senior citizens. Less sports goods will be required. Private cars will be replaced by public transport since many seniors may not be fit to drive.

Similarly, health care will move more and more towards geriatric care and away from child, youth and middle age care. The Pharmaceutical and Health Care / Hospitalization Industry will need to do some re-orientation. Initially, as the aged population increases – hospitals will have higher occupancy but slowly Hospital sector will see decline in Occupancy and maybe even quality of health care because fewer doctors will enter the medical field. Education Institutions like Schools and Colleges will see less occupancy & demand.

We will see the entertainment industry suffering setbacks. The media of entertainment will shift to home. Restaurants, theatres, malls etc will see fewer footfalls. Home delivery industry will thrive. The food section variety and dishes will change. Primary food items demand will decline though ready to cook processed food will increase in demand.

In the case of the housing sector in real estate business, this will go into a decline. There will be less demand for housing and in many cases, there will be empty locked houses without any living owners or residents.

With declining population, the demand for infrastructure spending — highways, roads, railways, flyovers, etc should decline. There will be no demand for additional infrastructure needs. Demand will be for Maintenance and possible Technology Upgrades. Robust population demand and increased economic activity demand will be absent.

As stated earlier, the degrowth in population numbers will bring economic activity into a slowdown or into a decline. The current financial and economic model followed by the world is growth supported by population increase. This model will not work with Population degrowth. India will face low rates of plateaued growth or even a negative growth. Japan has wasted 2 decades with flat growth and China is entering that flat population / declining growth stage.

When the youthfulness of a Nation disappears and the nation’s average age starts rising, it becomes susceptible to attacks on it’s territory. The threat will mainly be from the West and North (Pakistan and China). From Bangladesh and Burma in the East, the threat will be illegal migration and people forcing themselves into your territory. India will need to develop a Defence capability on Robotics so that our lands and tolerant / open culture are preserved. We cannot lose our land, culture and heritage, again.

The vibrancy of a country and it’s citizens gets lost with an elderly population. Population becomes less vivacious, less Risk taking and less open to new ideas. In fact, decline in population is more dangerous than increase in population. Increased population improves average population age (lowers age) and propels economic demand. Declining population increases the population age with lower productivity and lower efficiency built in. A Healthy youthful population gets replaced by non-healthy / old age illness population.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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