Indecision impacting large public sector units viability?



We are now in Year Ten of the current NDA government lead by PM Narendra Modi. It is quite likely that May ’24 could see a change of Govt at the Centre. There is one constant in India economic and political history – inability to change course and direction on large central public sector units. How to improve their performance to get return on huge Investments and / or how to do a strategic divestment? Somewhere, India keeps falling between two stools.

Let us take the case of public sector units in 4 key sectors of the Indian economy:
1. Insurance sector;
2. Oil sector;
3. Telephone communications sector;
4. Banking sector.

Let us accept that with the exception of divestment of Air India, the current government has totally failed in it’s divestment programme. Every year the receipts side of the Central Budget shows amounts recovery expected from PSU divestments and every year the recoveries fall far short of projected values. It seems there are vested interests at play in ensuring that units stay as public sector units and their constitution and management style does not change. Whether the vested interests are in bureaucracy, Ministries which manage these PSUs, political power & interference, employees’ unions or private promoter groups enjoying a less competitive market place is difficult to comment.

Inaction is not giving the public sector units in the above sectors, a sense of direction and guide to achieving financial stability and improving financial performance. Conversely, there is a depraved belief within these PSUs employees and management that regardless of our performance no action will be taken. ‘Chalta Hai’ approach will continue unabated.

In the banking sector – the merger of PSU banks has resulted in improvement of financial performance and reduction of Non performing assets (NPAs). However, Bank of India, Central Bank of India and IDBI Bank remain unresolved. What is the future plan for these 3 important banks all of which are listed entities and Market Value keeps declining? We cannot allow inaction and indecision on the future of these entities.

Similarly, for the other 3 sectors – Oil, Insurance and Telephone, we cannot keep waiting for something to happen. It will not happen unless some action is planned and implemented.

We see inaction in the general insurance sector. United India Insurance Co. Ltd, New India Assurance Co. Ltd, National Insurance Co. Ltd, Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd are 4 public sector insurance companies. Except for New India Assurance with marginal profits – the other 3 are making losses. We cannot have these entities continuing to make losses which the tax payer keeps funding. Like banking sector mergers, one keeps hearing of some merger plans for public sector insurance companies. However, nothing has been set in motion and no plans have been revealed to date. Consequently, the losses are not getting stemmed and these units are rudderless.

One hears about merger in the PSU telephone space since years – BSNL and MTNL being merged. No action on the same yet being implemented. Both the entities are bleeding heavily today and one sees no action to stop the bleeding. Customers are walking away due to poor service.

Oil sector PSUs, the position is the same. While they are profitable PSUs – Bharat Petroleum, Hindustan Petroleum, Oil India are not having the size to survive and fight for growth in the market which expects giants. Only Indian Oil Corp has a decent size for the sector. All these Oil PSUs are listed entities.

If nothing else, to save these PSU units from going down or facing extinction, the new Central Govt will need to move fast on mergers of sector PSUs. MTNL is a listed entity while BSNL is not. Similarly, New India Assurance is a listed entity. All the Oil entities above are listed.

The non listed entities MUST get merged into the listed entity to facilitate public issue capital coming into the company. With the merger, the resultant listed company must be capitalized by raising fresh equity funds from the capital market and some amount of capitalization from the Central Govt.

It is the responsibility of the newly elected Central Govt to ensure that these public sector units are given a proper Management Team and Structure post merger and are properly capitalized – thru Central Govt funding or thru Capital issues in the Capital markets. We must not allow arguments on Business Valuation and share capital valuation to take our mind away from the primary objective – an efficient public sector business unit. To obviate criticism of selling family silver, let the shareholding of the Central Govt not fall below 51% of paid up share capital. That way the entity remains a PSU entity.

What is required today is action. The PSU entities must not feel left out and unattended. Strong public sector units in these essential sectors of the Indian economy are a MUST. The PSU units post funds capitalization must be told by the Ministries they report to as to what are Central Govt and market expectations from them. If we lose time for whatever reason, these PSU entities will suffer and sink and become a burden on the Indian Nation. We need performing and efficient PSUs in the above sector spaces. Can we manage that?



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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