Income tax law applicability in India to individuals – Regressive and unjust



We are aware that the Finance Minister read her Budget Speech and presented the Budget papers in Parliament on February 1, 2024.


It was an Interim Budget with no major Financial initiatives or new measures being announced.  In fact, over the last 6-7 years the current Central Government has made no major changes in Individual Income Tax Law. 


The Times of India in it’s print edition dated Feb 2, 2024 on the first page attachment had drawn some very interesting graphs and statistics on individual income tax payers and collections for Year 2021-22.  The main points of which are as under:


  • In India 2.2% of adult population are income tax payers.  Similar comparative %s for certain other developed countries are – France 78.3%, USA 50.1%, Germany 61.3%, UK 59.7%;


  • Out of Total 622 lakh Income Tax Returns filed, 429 lakhs paid ZERO Income tax, leaving 193 lakhs individuals to pay Income Tax.  At 2.2%, the total eligible adult population comes to 8773 lakh  (88 crores approx) persons.


What is coming out clearly is that individual income tax is on a very small base of individuals (mainly employed persons).  You have a large section of population who are not touched by this Tax regimen for whatever reason.  To that extent on the basis of those in the income tax net versus those outside the net (agriculture income, income from individual service providers, income not shown as income), Indian income tax is unfair and inequity is written all over it.

Even if one takes a view that 70% of adult population is not eligible to pay income tax (for whatever reasons), 30% of 8773 lakhs comes to 2632 lakh individuals.  There is just too much unfairness in income tax law that only those in formal employment are trapped by Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) and Tax Collected at Source (TCS) provisions.

In the Budget Estimates for 2024-25 presented by the Finance Minister in Parliament – Corporate Tax is 27.22% of Gross Tax Revenue and individual Income Tax is 30.18% of Gross Tax Revenue.  It means that a very small section of income tax payers are contributing significantly to income tax revenue, which the Finance Ministry admits have been buoyant.

We need to understand the loss of opportunity in raising income tax revenues to fund Defence needs, Infrastructure creation, social sector needs and Research & Development funding.  If we can get our Tax collection methodology improved, there is so much more that the Executive Government in charge can collect and spend on worthy causes.

This article is not a plea to reduce the rates of income tax or raise the bar for legibility to pay income tax. The intent of this article is to show that income tax in India is a FAILURE.  It affects a very small % of Indians and those who should be contributing are not contributing to Taxes.  There is a need for a collective Body like Pension Recipients or Central Unions to file a Class Action suit against the way Income Tax is applied in India.  No tax can be so unjust and regressive that a small % of Indians bears the impact and everyone else goes scot free with no attempt to widen and diversify the tax payers mix caught in the tax net.  The Income Tax Act is unfair to Employees and Pensioners as a Class..  There is discrimination, since they pay high Income Tax.  That should be the basis of this class action suit.

It is only when the Income Act gets struck down as an Unjust Act as implemented and structured today, that the Finance Ministry will think on taking a serious review of the Income Tax Act and those it covers or look at an alternative taxation methodology on the lines of Expenditure Tax.  

It is expected that Economists will rise up in protest against the removal of Income Tax and the implementation of Expenditure tax.  They will point out the buoyancy of Income Tax Revenues and why the existing arrangement must not be disturbed.  Equally, they will point out the difficulties in implementing an Expenditure Tax.  However, even they will agree that less than 3% of adults cannot forever sustain tax collection buoyancy.  We need to cast the tax collection net wider and more equitably.

The reason for disturbing the existing Income Tax arrangement is that it is unfair and inefficient.  The Indian Nation is not collecting the tax dues that it is entitled to collect.  The existing tax collection mechanism is a Failure and the time has come to bury Income Tax for individuals and look at other tax alternatives.

Every Central Government of Independent India knows that there is tax evasion, tax leakage and income non-disclosure.  Yet no Central Govt has addressed the all important issue – Is the Indian Economy with it’s peculiar characteristics and extensive small business / services income earners ready for an Income Tax regime that is currently more a characteristic of a formalized economy and not a mixed but largely non-formalized economy like India?

The message from all sources is clear – Income Tax as a Tax Revenue mechanism has failed for individual tax payers.  The time has come to look at an alternative mechanism.  We should not be bogged down by the thinking that Income Tax is one of the pillars of a Tax regime.  In India, this pillar is corroded and an alternative tax collection mechanism is required. 

For India’s development needs and for the vast population that this Nation has, a more Just / equitable and more wide spread impact tax regime needs to come up.  

The earlier, the better!  Just dump Income Tax on individuals!



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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