
Maldives president is all gung-ho dissing India & cosying up to China. But loving China never ends well

Maldives president Muizzu is sticking to his guns and says no Indian troops will be allowed in his country even in civvies after the May 10 deadline. His snarling follows Maldives inking a defence cooperation agreement with China earlier this week. But India has already begun replacing its military personnel with technicians. So, Muizzu needs to chill. And someone needs to tell him: he’s taking a risky bet with China.

China’s black hand | If Muizzu thinks his newfound pal China has his back, he should think again. He only needs to look at the mess the Chinese helped create in Sri Lanka. For years the Rajapaksas took easy Chinese money for white elephant projects. But it all came crashing down. Lankans got mad as an economic crisis hit them. Rajapaksas were booted out of office.

Not a friend in need | Beijing’s modus operandi has spread across geographies. In Zambia, billions of dollars of Chinese loans for infra projects drained the country’s forex reserves. But when Zambia sounded the alarm, China turned the screws by insisting on confidentiality and barring it from disclosing terms of its loans. Meanwhile, Chinese CPEC loans to Pakistan have done nothing for that basket case economy. Islamabad continues to struggle under a mountain range of debt. And it’s IMF, not China, that Pakistan is looking to for succour.

Beijing’s subversive tools | Add to this China’s growing range of interference operations. Beijing’s United Front Work Department could infiltrate Maldivian institutions. Muizzu should know that he got elected because of free elections in Maldives. But he is hobnobbing with a revisionist power that has nothing but scorn for democracies. China is a bully – just ask Taiwan or countries in South China Sea. Muizzu must ask himself: is he selling his country to the dragon?


This piece appeared as an editorial opinion in the print edition of The Times of India.



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