Ideas on mind management to inspire students to be karma yogi, KYi



Self-development practices help awaken Viveka-buddhi to be KYi.

Our ancient parenting and education was focused on awakening Viveka-buddhi:

From childhood, thru’ stories and following family elders, traditions, religious festivals, deities, we were introduced to the idea of many deities but one ‘God’ and befriending him with pure mind as our Goal. We informally learnt about Viveka-buddhi, i.e., powers of discrimination between ‘good-bad’ and of our mind, its nature, and why and how to manage it. We informally learnt to strive to do our duties, respect the elders, learn to discriminate between right-wrong, and know and understand what exactly the right is and be committed to kartavya-palan. And this power of discrimination and duty consciousness is a simple idea of Viveka-buddhi and Karma Yoga/Yogi which can be imbibed thru’ daily self-development practices! A formal Initiation, Diksha, was given to those who were ready, to direct their attention inwards, to learn how to manage our mind.

Devotees of various faiths can work together with resident welfare associations, teachers and parents of schools in their colonies, to plan thru’ small informal groups, how we can become mentors to students in our respective areas to inspire them to explore and get established in some time-tested Self-development processes to develop the ability to direct our mind to ‘Arise from the ignorance that we’re just bodies’, and ‘Awaken to the knowledge of Kingdom of God within’, and stop not till I get introduced to our infinite divine potential.

Befriending our Mind: 

To be happy and balanced or to be efficient and excellent in any work, in any situation, or in any crisis, our only instrument, friend or villain, is our respective mind, with all its memories, tendencies, likes, dislikes! Whenever we’re faced with a situation not as we expected, the mind has a natural in-built tendency to get upset! We must learn to ‘watch’ and manage our Responses.

Mind is extremely subtle:

It is material in nature, not conscious, but borrows consciousness from Life, Spirit, Self, Consciousness within. And because of our conscious mind, we become living-beings; and we human beings alone have the freedom of choice to do what we wish and so the moment I make a choice, I become responsible for the consequences of my actions; law of cause-effect, ‘karma’. Thus, I and I alone am responsible for what I am, and what I wish to be. Others can tell, but I alone can learn to choose and act on them!

Most say, the best is to be ‘dutiful’, ‘good’, befriend God; so, we need Viveka-buddhi to know ‘good, better, best’, and powers of will, self-control, etc. to walk-the-talk towards ‘best’ (God-wards?)

The mind is a field for flow of thoughts, feelings. It carries the impression of every single intention, choice, thought, emotion, word, action, feelings. We are slaves to these impressions. Selflessness, goodness, fulfilment of duties, purifies, i.e., expands the mind towards the ‘best’, Apana pan, oneness with more and more, where I feel One with the whole world.

A fundamental life principle that we must understand is, that I am not the Mind! I am just a Witness, consciousness. Therefore, I can learn to manage it! And this I will realize more and more, only by befriending our mind through practice, KY, selflessness. Otherwise, my past habits impressed in my mind, will manage me! Purer the mind, more is it amenable to control.

I must learn that I have control only over my ‘actions’. Consequences of actions need not be as I expect because many unknown factors are involved. So, when we strive to be ‘good’, ethical, efficient, effective, aka KYi, we must be aware that KY is for my own greatest good! While I must try to fulfil my respective duties, I shouldn’t unduly worry if reactions, results, and responses aren’t as I expected. I will be ‘ultimately judged’ by the purity of my ‘intentions, choices, actions’, not by the results or what others think of my actions. The more the action was Selfless for the long-term good for more and more, the better will be the impression, recorded in our mind, which becomes the seed for future ‘sukha, dukha’.

Modern society is full of stress as our mind adjusts to unpleasant situations and unexpected results and gets restless when we’re attached to a particular ‘outcome’ and worried that things may not turn out as we desired or expected!

So, KY suggests that while we must put in our best efforts, but always remember that the results are dependent on many factors, which are not in our control. To give our best is in my control. That doesn’t imply that I can be negligent in my duties and be excused for bad results!

Modern systems have made us Ego-led selfish individuals. So, KY suggests: First fix the goal. Then forget the goal. Learn to enjoy the process itself. Focus only on the present task. See work as service to divine; Serve God in man. Happiness is in doing our best; mind united with divine; ourselves as fragments of One divinity; God as our partner, as life. Whatever you do, eat, works you perform, practice doing it as an offering to God, as our worship. These attitudes expand the mind to feel oneness with more and more and remove sense of doer ship.

Since God realization is our Goal, whether we know or not, KY suggests that every work, ‘sweeping, making shoes, leading or teaching’ can take us towards God. So, KY is constant remembrance of God, while doing any work. At all times remember God and do your duty.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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