Humanity’s last castle: Paris accord on climate change



Since coming into force in 2015, the Paris Agreement has emerged as the bastion of hope and one of the most consequential multilateral treaties balancing vastly conflicting political and economic interests under the existential threat of catastrophic climate change. As the successor to the Kyoto Protocol and the most significant global initiative to date on combating global warming, the agreement is based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR). It demands each of its signatories to pledge emissions reduction through independently defined targets or nationally determined contributions (NDCs) with the collective goal of limiting average global temperature to 2°C above preindustrial levels and achieving net zero emissions by 2050. 

However, today, consensus on fundamental ideals enshrined as part of the covenant around climate financing, differentiated responsibilities and ensuring transparency on mitigation ambitions are constantly at risk of derailing. It only adds to the already uphill task of anchoring Northern financial support and Southern trust deficits across nearly 200 diverse signatories for delivering meaningful emissions reduction this decade. 

The dissonance is underpinned at COP28, Dubai, which UNFCC celebrated as the “Beginning of the End” of the fossil fuel era. However, the COP28 Presidency stopped short of including the fossil-fuel phaseout idea in the Global Stocktake draft published in the wake of the conference due to a lack of consensus on finance, equity, and modalities of the fossil fuel switchover. Also, the Council on Foreign Relations observed the absence of US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping from the summit. As a representative of the world’s two largest GHG emitters, this directly raises concerns about the future of climate commitments and, obliquely, on the political survivability of the Paris Agreement in the long run. With Le Monde quoting an Ipsos study published in June 2023 indicating an incremental rise in climate scepticism globally, it brings back disturbing memory of former President Donald Trump driving the United States out of the Paris Accord in 2017, citing it putting the national economy at a ‘permanent disadvantage’. 

Today, the accord risks unravelling if stakeholders cannot align their priorities. Defending the Paris Aspirations requires reconciling disparate perspectives into a cooperative way forward. This demand understanding and empathy alongside accountability. The stake is high as the alternative is a dying planet, ravaged by extreme weather events, with its economies crippled, water resources depleted, food production systems damaged, critical ecosystems thrown off balance and where pandemics are widespread. Therefore, in more than a few ways, the Paris Climate Agreement remains humanity’s last castle in the climatic battle and remains worth defending. 

However, reconciling national interests with collective climate action is enormously complex, often dominated by sentiment to pursue unilateral, often short-term gains, deprioritizing cooperative long-term objectives. The debate hinges on who should bear the opportunity cost of net zero emission and whether developed and industrialized nations have a disproportionately stronger obligation to decarbonize over their developing counterparts, underpinned by history. Centre for Global Development observes that the concentration of industry and wealth in developed nations indicates they were responsible for at least 79% of the emissions between 1850 and 2011. Another comparative study suggests that between 1751 and 2017, the US was responsible for 25% of global emissions while most countries across Africa kept their share at less than 0.01%. 

Navigating these choppy waters of historical accountability requires empathetic consideration of root priorities. This complex interplay of competing interest risks stalling progress on climate action and, even worse, geopolitical amity. Therefore, all contending parties must look beyond narrow national positions to collectively craft solutions that reconcile tensions through cooperation, not finger-pointing, as each stand to lose substantially in a world without the Paris Agreement. 

The strongest glue to achieve this cohesion is perhaps the realization that the cost of climate inaction far outweighs even the costliest of financial trade-offs. Swiss Re estimates that Climate Change can wipe off a staggering USD 23 Trillion from the global GDP, shrinking it by at least 18% by 2050. While poor economies will be hard hit, even the most advanced ones, like Germany, are expected to lose at least Euro 900 billion by the middle of this century due to a warming planet. The Global Centre of Adaptation projects that during the same period, primary sector activity like agricultural production may dip by up to 30%. IEA estimates that to reach net zero emissions by 2050, annual worldwide investment in clean energy transition, a major climate action plank, needs to be hiked to USD 4 trillion by 2030. While this hefty price tag may give policymakers pause, it pales compared to the fact that the absence of such mitigation measures can deflate world real GDP per capita by 7% by the end of this century. On the other hand, achieving net zero emissions and proliferation of green industries can add USD 10 Trillion to the world economy and create 300 million employment opportunities. Therefore, with the economics increasingly favouring climate action, parties must elevate common purpose above competing tactical interests. 

However, bridging the divides blocking progress on Paris commitments also demands empathy and a shift from viewing issues as a binary choice. Constructive dialogue must be based on understanding the multidimensional challenges that partners face before identifying a shared purpose. For instance, India has undertaken an ambitious commitment to reducing the emission intensity of its GDP by 45% by 2030. But, this also means that the world’s fifth-largest economy has to balance this against the pledge of raising the living standard and per capita income of its citizens, which currently ranks 143rd among 195 economies. Here, India’s intent to deliver equitable and green growth is apparent from its recent policy shifts. However, for a developing country, failing to consider the domestic political tension that it entails and hold it bluntly by accountability metrics only threatens cooperative actions and risks disengagement. This equation also holds at an individual level with the need to understand the necessary trade-offs between the quality-of-life expectations and costs of the green transition. As the Yellow Vest protests in France demonstrate, the human impacts of rising carbon taxes without commensurate social safety nets can incite intense backlash at the grassroots level, undoing the very premise of the Paris Agreement: common but differentiated responsibilities. 

Although the middle path looks hard to achieve, it is not impossible. It is a multilateral approach in which advanced economies like G7 countries that are the largest energy consumers globally must stay faithful to the roadmap of boosting offshore wind and soaring capacity, adopted ahead of the 2023 summit in Hiroshima to achieve net zero by 2050. Similarly, middle-income emergers like Brazil and South Africa must refrain from using economic aspirations as a long stick to undermine global climate goals and must peak emissions not later than 20230. Finally, both categories must come to the rescue of the Lower Income Nations that have forever been on the wrong side of history and deserve commensurate climate finance and technological support to leapfrog the dirty energy path.

The Paris Agreement marked an epoch in 2015, compelling the world to acknowledge the enormity of the climate crisis and join hands for a common future. However, focusing narrowly on the burden that countries bear will only give rise to regional sentiments, widening geopolitical fault lines and resulting in accelerated warming. Instead, defending humanity’s last castle against climate change must start with elevating shared hopes over individualism. While the magnitude of the problem is undeniable, it cannot be greater than the sum of human resolve, to turn possibilities into outcomes. 



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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