How to stop the hurricane of overthinking? The antidote to ‘rumination-reality’



In this article, ‘overthinking’ is discussed as a side-effect of toxic abuse where the abuser causes a constant state of hyper-activated looping thoughts to be on, in their target. This target could be any relationship dynamic imaginable – parent, sibling, spouse, romantic partner, boss, colleague, staff, house-help, driver, you name it, any relationship. Hence, overthinking or specifically termed as Rumination in toxic and Narcissistic Abuse – is the result of toxic tactics done on you. Narcissistic Abuse is when you have undergone psychological and mental manipulations by this person, without being aware of it and it has set off a barrage of biological and emotional side-effects within you. This article discusses ‘Rumination-Reality’ as one such side-effect in a romantic-partner-relationship (the information could be applied to any relationship) and tells you what the antidote to it is that can help you stop or significantly reduce your worrying and overthinking.

Overthinking is the fight going on in you between two opposing emotions – of feeling magical love and harsh rejection by the same person. This causes conflict and confusion and wages a bitter battle of thoughts within you that add emotion upon heavy emotion and create grim scenarios where you are inadequate, ‘less than’ and ‘discarded.’ Not good enough to be loved by this romantic partner. “But why? We had such a great time boating…but that was a magical wine-tasting vacation we took…and what about when you spent all that time in the hospital taking care of me?…what happened?…why can’t we work it out…at least tell me…how could you…”

The swirling, constant and noisy fight of these two polar feelings and the questions that follow is termed as ‘Rumination.’ Even though it is your mind that is thinking the thoughts – this triggered state has been meticulously created by constant toxic tactics done on you – and you might not even be with the toxic partner at this point, but it causes ‘distance-triggers and rumination.’ It is automatic and everything in your life is a trigger. It keeps the physiology of the fight or flight response activated leading to fatigue, freeze, faint and overwhelm. It also leads you to be impulsive, non-self-preservatory, self-soothe and self-harm to numb the pain of disconnection, rejection, failure and all the confusing cocktail of emotions that have been stirred up within you. You find yourself not only overthinking but also over-drinking, over-partying, over-dating, over-flinging, over-eating, over-exercising, over-addicted to soothing yourself any way you can get away from these thoughts and find some ‘control and quiet.’

It is a beautifully crafted toxic tactic and must be understood as such to start the reduction of the thoughts – and the goal is getting you to a ‘safe place’ where you do not need to be triggered and thinking. When you have gone through toxic, psychological abuse, your life has a backdrop of loud, disruptive arguments and conversations you have with the phantom partner or with yourself, demanding to know why you have been left alone and why you were in magical love one day and cruel silence the next? There is no warning or discussion and that is part of the rumination tactic. The severity and suddenness of the disappearance adds charge to this muzzling and you are gagged mid-sentence, often with no one to turn to and no one to tell the remaining part of the sentence to. It is a horrific silencing that does not silence your thoughts rather it adds fuel to the raging rumination-fire.

Hence, understanding the toxic tactic of rumination is like freeing yourself from a prison you unknowingly built for yourself. You realize that all these thoughts, feelings and confusion are normal. Your anger, sadness, meltdowns, soothing behaviors – all are normal. You are not damaged or your personality has not been changed for life. All the emotions, brain fog and disconnection you feel in your life will reduce and you will be present again participating fully in your own life. Be sure of that even though you may not feel this way right now.

You have to work through this toxic tactic with specific antidotes to the rumination poison injected in you. You have to know what actions you do will flush it out of your system – and get back your sense of self-acceptance and give the control back to you. Once you see the difference doing these steps makes, you will realize how progress is made in each micro-moment of your life. You begin to see that the ‘Rumination Reality’ does occupy prime real estate in your brain in the beginning, however, it fades later on. When you can recognize it as being a normal side-effect of toxic abuse – you accept the ‘rumination reality’ that it will be a reality till it just isn’t. You give it no more charge and domino-thought-space. One thing does not lead to another till you have spiraled to full self-rejection and are reaching for self-soothing behaviors that are more toxic for you than the toxic person. If you do, you see it as normal and then reprocess where you are, to walk back to your truth and to yourself that is unbreakable and un-infilteratable by another person’s toxic tactics. It was never about you. You are made in the reflection of a higher purpose that wants to reveal and hence this suffering.

The toxic person has innate toxicity as that has been their programming and it is not personal to you. They will do this to their mother. Or to themselves. Twice over. But for you to forsake your authentic self, your integrity and values and to not allow yourself to mourn this relationship, process it and work alongside its ‘rumination reality’ to emerge in your own light, is even more damning than being in that relationship. Here are a few tips that will help you in your journey in processing rumination and in
understanding yourself better.

Antidotes to Rumination:

1. Chant the Gratitude Mantra: “This ‘rumination reality’ is normal and I am not afraid of these thoughts. I am being led to my meaning and my purpose in life as a result of this suffering. Thank you, ‘Rumination-Reality’ for connecting me to me!”
2. Make a Collage: Make a baby picture collage of you – when you did not have the toxic rumination reality and connect to the brave, safe, free, funny, authentic ‘you.’
3. Write & Process: Write down answers to:
1. How do I feel safe and free being me?
2. What ‘true-thought’ is being expressed through me through this rumination
reality? Find the needle in a haystack of your thoughts through this processing.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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