How major investors prefer European bonds to US treasuries in the face of divergent economies



Recently, there has been a discernible pattern in the international financial sphere whereby major investors are placing a greater emphasis on European bonds as opposed to US Treasuries. The principal determinant behind this change in investment preferences is the divergent economic trajectories of the United States and Europe.

Each region’s approach to economic recovery is a significant factor in propelling this trend. In contrast to the United States, which has witnessed substantial economic expansion in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Europe has encountered a more languid recuperation characterized by enduring obstacles including delayed vaccination distribution, disruptions in the supply chain, and continuous lockdowns in certain nations. As a result, European bonds are perceived by investors to offer comparatively higher yields in comparison to US Treasuries. This perception is influenced by the perceived risks that arise from the divergent economic outlooks.

In addition, the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank (ECB) both have significant influence over investor sentiment through their monetary policy positions. With negative interest rates and ongoing asset purchases, the ECB has maintained an accommodating monetary policy stance in an effort to support the Eurozone economy and stimulate inflationary pressures. On the contrary, the Federal Reserve has expressed its intention to progressively increase monetary policy resistance as a reaction to escalating inflationary forces within the United States. This has the potential to diminish the appeal of bonds to investors by lowering their yields.

Moreover, concerns regarding the United States’ long-term fiscal sustainability and geopolitical factors may also be exerting an influence on investment choices. The sustainability of public debt levels and the magnitude and scope of future stimulus measures, among other fiscal policy uncertainties pertaining to the United States, may incentivize investors to pursue alternative assets that are regarded as providing superior returns and stability.

In general, the inclination of major investors towards European bonds as opposed to US Treasuries highlights the intricate interaction of economic, monetary, and geopolitical elements that influence the movement of capital around the world. Continual evolution of economic conditions and policy dynamics will necessitate vigilant surveillance of these patterns in order to comprehend changes in investor sentiment and the ramifications they have on global financial markets.

As economies diverge, academic publications indicate that major investors are increasingly favoring European bonds over US Treasuries. Multiple factors have contributed to this transition

The increasing popularity of European sovereign bonds can be attributed to their enhanced transparency and liquidity in comparison to US Treasuries, as defined in the research of Qin & Wang and Goldstein et al.

According to a study by Qin and Wang (“Flight to liquidity due to heterogeneity in investment horizon” published in the China Finance Review International in 2012), the liquidity effect on the European bond market is more pronounced for sovereign bonds with shorter maturities than for US Treasury bonds.

Moreover, according to Goldstein et al. (2006), in their article “Transparencias and liquidity: a controlled experiment on corporate bonds” published in the Review of Financial Studies, it has been observed that the European corporate bond market has traditionally exhibited greater transparency in comparison to the US market. This attribute may appeal to investors who value efficiency and clarity.

Furthermore, Çepni et al. (2020) demonstrated in their publication “Time-varying risk aversion and the predictability of bond premia” in Finance Research Letters how market stress and investor risk perception impact the demand for European bonds, resulting in bond premia fluctuations.

The Journal of Business (2004) published Longstaff’s research titled “The flight-to-liquidity premium in US treasury bond prices,” which illustrates how the flight-to-liquidity premium in European bonds can sometimes exceed fifteen percent of the bond’s face value.

As stated by Sulejmani and Tevdovski (“In what manner does the contagion spread to the Macedonian stock exchange? “An Analysis of Co-Exceedances” (South East European Journal of Economics and Business, 2022). In times of economic uncertainty, this liquidity premium, in conjunction with the influence of market stress on risk perception, may compel investors to seek refuge in European bonds as more secure investments.

Moreover, scholars including Corradin and Maddaloni (2020) elucidated in their article “The importance of being special: repo markets during the crisis” published in the Journal of Financial Economics how the scarcity value of European bonds has been a significant factor in attracting investors, particularly during crises such as the sovereign debt crisis in the Euro area.

Furthermore, D’Amico et al. (2018) argue in their Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis article “The scarcity value of treasury collateral: repo-market effects of security-specific supply and demand factors” that the scarcity premium for European bonds, whether on or off the run, endures for a significant duration, suggesting that investors maintain an interest in these securities.

In summary, the inclination of significant investors towards European bonds in contrast to US Treasuries during periods of economic divergence can be ascribed to the European bond market’s advantageous attributes of liquidity, transparency, risk perception, and scarcity. The amalgamation of these elements enhances the appeal of European bonds as a refuge for investors amidst periods of economic instability.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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