How Indian universities can break into global top 100: It will take innovative approaches that focus on leveraging technology and fostering research, academia-industry connect plus strong alumni networks



India has long aspired to be an educational hub for the world. However, the reality is that every year droves of Indian students opt for higher education in foreign countries. An implicit recognition exists of the difference in quality between Indian and foreign universities such as those in the US, UK and Germany. In fact, the highest-ranked Indian institute, IIT Bombay, stands at 149 in the QS World University Rankings 2024. To address this situation, there needs to be serious introspection about the reasons why Indian varsities don’t measure up.

The best universities in the world typically share several common characteristics that set them apart from the rest – such as academic excellence, robust support services and industry partnerships.
But above everything else, they have enthusiastically embraced digital transformation. By leveraging technology effectively, a university can create a more dynamic and inclusive learning environment, while simultaneously improving administrative efficiency and overall institutional performance. What then must our universities do to break the glass ceiling of rankings?

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This piece appeared as an editorial opinion in the print edition of The Times of India.



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