How India can grow at 10% per annum



In 2004 – 2016 period India GDP grew at more than 8% per annum. In this period, wealth of common man grew accordingly. Ever since advent of Demonetization, Indian economy is stagnating and GDP is growing less than 6% on average. Personal wealth of common man is in fact shrinking as can be seen from the data of savings. What happened which led to this scenario? How can Indian economy grow faster?

Dr Manmohan Singh era

Dr Manmohan Singh’s strategy was 2 fold. There was a policy for liberalization so that business houses could grow at fast speed. They would in turn invest in Indian economy resulting in growth in jobs as well as increase in personal wealth of common man. This resulted in more income and corporate tax revenues for the government. This increase in tax revenue was invested in schemes like MNREGA. Rural people thus started having more income. They started spending more in buying consumer goods. This resulted in growth of industries in cities resulting in more jobs and income of common man in cities.

This strategy worked wonders. Indian economy was doing great. More than 25 crore people were lifted from poverty in 10 years. UPA government was able to table food security bill in parliament. Some other good laws were also created like Right to Education, Right to Information etc.

Narendra Modi era

Modi introduced demonetization in 2016 which was a disaster. The direct impact was felt in the small scale industry. Large number of these industries failed and closed. Millions of jobs lost associated with these industries. Economy shrank by 2%. In 2017 Modi government introduced centralized GST which again proved to be a disaster for small scale industries. Again large number of these industries had to shut down and again millions of jobs vanished associated with these industries. During Covid, a nationwide lockdown was imposed by Modi government. This again was a disaster. Economy went into coma.

Characteristic of Modi government economy was in direct contrast to that of Dr Manmohan Singh. During UPA government most tax revenues were coming from personal income and corporated tax. Revenue from GST tax was far low. In Modi era, GST tax has increased substantially. It is to compensate for the lower tax collections coming from personal income and corporate tax.

Idea for 10% GDP growth

Up to 1990s capitalistic approach to handling economy used to work. Not anymore. Now big businesses grow fast without matching job creation. Businesses can work without people as they invest heavily in computers and robots. This leads to growing income disparity between rich and poor. So a country’s GDP may grow fast but rich get richer while poor get poorer. This is bad economics.

If people get money in their pockets, they spend. As a country spends more, it grows more. Encouraging big business is no more good as explained in earlier paragraph. It is small scale industries who create jobs. So definitely they should be encouraged. At the same time people should be encouraged to spend more by reducing GST taxes in food and essential commodities. Government can pay unemployment benefits to unemployed youth and give money to women to run their households. As common man starts spending more, economy starts growing at faster rate.

India has a large pool of youth. They can get jobs in small scale industries as well as open their own ventures. The faster they start getting these opportunities the faster economy comes out of slumber.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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