How happy are the happiest countries of the world? How long will they remain happy?



Observing the list of this year for the happiest countries of the world, one would assume that it is important to be a small country, and population ought not to be more than 26 million.

Finland was ranked first for the seventh year in a row. Unsurprisingly, all small Scandinavian countries, too, are among the 10 happiest in the world.

Here are the criteria to be fulfilled and excelled in if one wants to be the happiest country of the world.

The following six variables are the deciding factors:  GDP per capita, social support in the form of health care, old-age facilities, healthy life expectancy, freedom of expression, generosity and lack of corruption.

All these above-mentioned criteria are worth appreciating and quite objective. But there are certain facts about the very same countries that indicate quite strongly that not everyone is happy in those countries.

Take Finland, for instance, which has the highest estimated incidence of mental disorders in the EU. The most common mental disorders are anxiety and depression affecting more than 7% of the Finns.

Similarly, in the second-happiest country, Denmark, every fifth Dane is affected by depression at one or other stage of life. Most of the happiest countries have exorbitant prevalent use or sometimes abuse of anti-depressive pills. The happiness report does not take into account the level of social exclusion being practiced in these highly successful societies.

Take, for instance, the most stabilizing and fundamental social unit of society, the family. The divorce rates are significantly higher in the happiest countries compared to most other unhappy countries of the world. After divorce most couples are cut off from the inner circles of friendships of their spouses. Many parents, often fathers, lose contact with their children in these societies.

One of the richest men in Denmark, in a documentary recently broadcast, said that he is unwilling to give any of his property to two of his eldest children because they hardly come to see him and have not visited him for a long time. Similarly, one can assume what happens in families where there is no economic incentive to maintain contact with ageing parents and grand parents.

The amount of social exclusion practiced could easily also be related to high depression rates and other psychological disorders. Recently there has been a sudden rise in the number of Scandinavian writers who have written bestsellers, in which the common denominator is their problematic childhood growing up with psychological problems or living with parents with mental disorders. I had the opportunity to attend one such lecture by a famous Danish best-selling writer, Olav Hergel, who has published a book titled, “ Jeg husker dagen som lys” ( I remember the day as bright).

His book is about his life growing up with a mother who had psychological problems,and she ended up comitting suicide when Olav was just 16 years old. Olav boldly describes his journey as a lazy school boy who later gets into a good and strict school, later becoming an excellent writer. His father, a doctor, had difficulty with alcohol consumption, and probably these traumatic experiences caused uncertainties in life, resulting in Olav Hergel himself suffering from OCD ( Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). When I asked him in a fully packed hall, if psychological disorders have something to do with the social organization of society or social insecurities, he could not answer the question and simply said that he is only an expert on his life.

Well, these happiness reports can be misleading, at the best, when one understands the languages of these super-small countries and tries to decipher the causes of psychiatric and psychological problems people face. These traumatizing childhood experiences within the happiest countries are not happy, mildly speaking. They may have money, wealth and housing, but when social structures create exclusion and fear of being excluded or assigns you a life in isolation, then all that money does help.

Olav Hergel grew up in one of the poshest areas of northern Copenhagen and still lives there in a rich residential area. His mother was a good friend of Karen Blixen, one of the most famous and influential writers of Denmark. Yet, he, like many other Danes, suffers from a sort of illness that would deprive one of happiness. He has learnt to live with it and now is a best-selling writer and has a successful marriage despite his diagnosis. But he is an exception.

Most people suffering from mental illness end up getting cornered, marginalized, and at the absolute bottom end of the society.

Now let us also take the external factors of their super happiness into account. Most of the happiest countries have been unaffected by wars in their recent history. That, too, seems to change. The Arctic region will soon be one of the most militarized regions of the world. Russia has already announced that they will deploy advanced weapons and soldiers at the Finnish borders. Norway, Denmark and Sweden have been diverting a huge amount of tax payers’ money towards welfare policies like better schools and hospitals. But now most of these countries are diverting their resources to defense expenditures depriving their vulnerable population of welfare benefits.

Will the Nordic population still feel they are the happiest in the world? The answer is blowing in the wind. Understandably,  the Americans are unhappy. How can one be happy witnessing so many mass- and meaningless school shootings and killings of innocent bystanders? How can the Indians be happy, when despite the efforts of present government, the baboo raj and corruption still goes unchecked? How can the Chinese be happy when they literally have no freedom of speech? And one could go on.

But despite all shortcomings, Asian societies do not practice brutal social exclusion. Take the generous practice of Sikhs that sit and provide food for all during Sundays in Gurdwaras. It is an amazing practice of social inclusion. Similarly, our musical and dance traditions like Garbas can also be inclusive. The Chinese society and most of the Asian societies tend to include the grand parents in a way that the happiest countries would find inspiring.


There are genetic causes of depression and then there are the social and economic causes. We can create jobs for all and social circumstances where we can reduce inequalities and create social values of cohesiveness and inclusion. In future, how to make friends and create long-lasting relations should not just be individual qualities but a new parameter to judge if societies are happy or not. Let’s hope that more people will be happy in a world of fewer wars and more cooperation.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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