How can we as teachers-parents, inspire students to be karma yogi?



1. The idea of a Karma Yogi, KYi, is really the essence of being a good, ethical, moral, righteous person of good character, focused on selflessly fulfilling his duties, for good of samaaja.

To help inspire people to strive to be a KYi, is really the only, and the very purpose and essence, not only of education, but all Religions. And as role model and mentor of society, it is the kartavya, obligatory duty, of teachers-parents to inspire and teach us what, why and how to be a KYi.

Karma Yoga is quality and excellence in action. It is ‘knowing’ and ‘fulfilling’ all our various duties. It is knowing what exactly our duty is, at a particular time, place, role; and just doing our best. It is the ability to develop a calm and peaceful mind, because such a mind alone can focus on knowing and doing our duties, to best of our ability, and for the long-term good of more and more. A KYi has developed his mind so that it can remain calm and respectful, even if results are not as we expected.

KYi is selflessly working for good of samaaja. It is Selflessness. It is the life skill of working in a way, unattached to the results, that guarantees long term peace prosperity fulfilment and leads us towards our common, universal Goal, “North”, howsoever we may understand it.

More and more Selflessness is being a Karma Yogi and it is being good, better, best, wise, towards the wisdom that leads us to our North.

KYi, is being righteous and good. It is the Practical Education and essence of all Religions which must be the theme and focus of Preachers, Teachers, and Enlightened Citizenship.

KYi means treating our work itself as our highest duty. For the believers, it is a practice of the Presence of ‘God’ in all our actions. It is our highest Worship of “God in man” and in all Creation.

When we selflessly strive to work for good of “samaaja”, we are worshipping God, because Samaaja literally means ‘same as God’. ‘Man and Creation’ are equivalent to God, because just as ‘we exist’ only because of our ‘parents’; in the same way ‘this creation and we exist’ only because of ‘Creator’, God, an Intelligent Conscious, Omniscient, Omnipresent Existence. So, just as we have love and ‘apanaapan’, oneness, as a family; we must all strive to be One with ‘each other’ and ‘one with God’!

2. Academia, teachers, parents must discuss, debate, explore, reflect, appreciate the logical necessity of striving to be a “KYi”, and being committed to the worldview of “One World. One Family. One Future”. If we don’t, we allow petty minded, self-centered Preachers and Politicians to continue to divide societies.

Instead of evaluating people based only on their IQ, marks and degrees, society must learn to evaluate and define the ‘Good, Better, Best’, by also taking into account their goodness, based on their progress towards selflessness and being KYi. Only those who are inspired to strive to be a KYi, thru’ say 10-20 years of schooling and growing up, are really fit to be teachers and leaders of societies, whatever may be their vocation or religion.

3. Religion literally means ‘to Regain’ (in Latin) our Oneness with each other and God. As does Yoga mean ‘to join, union’. So, thru work, ‘regain’, ‘reunite’ with each other and with Creation and Creator by being a KYi.

We’re all on a journey to Regain, Reunite, with the One Consciousness from whence we separated, for some unknown reasons. Nature, e.g., sun, fire and plants and all creatures, are engaged in doing their Swadharma. However, only humans have freedom of choice to choose ‘hell or heaven’. So, humans must be educated to be KYi.

4. Knowingly or unknowingly, we are all here on the journey to attain heaven. A KYi is one who decides to awaken his Viveka-buddhi and Consciously, 24×7, uses will-power, self-control, discipline, to direct his “Intentions, Motives, Choices, Thoughts, Actions”, i.e., karma, towards ‘North’, ‘heaven’.  Only humans have an intellect that can be transformed into viveka-buddhi, powers to discriminate and consciously learn to choose that which will help us befriend the Atman within, the ‘North’.

Whatever may be our future careers, ‘teachers, administrators, Entrepreneurs, Result producers, workers’, as Parents and Teachers, it is our obligatory duty, kartavya, to inspire everyone to know and be committed to their respective duties, Swadharma.

While Parenting and Schooling can teach how to strive to be a KYi, not all will strive! Only a very few are really interested in North or being good. However, our duty is to show the path and the way to walk-the-talk, fulfilling our duties.

5. Essence of Striving is learning to Manage our Mind: We need to learn our Inner World of Praana, mind, intellect, viveka-buddhi, ego, storehouse of memories, subconscious memories, and ultimately, Consciousness aka Life, Atman that makes me a Living-being.

To go Inwards, along with IQ, we need EQ, SQ, Yoga, self-development practices, Prayers, Meditation, worship, Life Skills, etc. To help go inwards Unesco’s Education policy asks Teachers to teach “Learning to be”; “Learning the Treasure within”; “Learning to live together”; “Learning the Way of Peace”.

Teachers and Parents must engage themselves and the students in daily self-development practices to awaken Viveka and build powers of Mind to walk-the-talk to be a KYi.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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