Holi Ready: A Dermatologist’s Prescription for Radiant and Resilient Skin – News18



This year Holi will be celebrated on March 25.

This year Holi will be celebrated on March 25.

Take these simple steps to safeguard your skin, allowing you to fully enjoy the spirit of Holi without worrying about its impact on your skin.

With Holi around the corner, it is essential to ensure that your skin is well-prepared to withstand the colours and festivities. A pre-Holi skincare routine becomes crucial to safeguard your skin from potential damage caused by harsh chemicals present in the colours.

Dr Chytra Anand, Dermatologist & Founder, SkinQ & Kosmoderma Clinics shares a quick guide to help you get your skin ready for the celebration:

  1. Hydration is keyBegin by hydrating your skin from within. Drink plenty of water in the days leading up to Holi to keep your skin well-hydrated and resilient. Use sodium hyaluronaye and Hyaluronic serums to prep the skin.
  2. Moisturize thoroughlyMoisturize your skin generously to create a protective barrier. Use a rich, hydrating moisturizer with ceramides and Niacinamide to keep your skin supple and prevent the colours from seeping into the pores.
  3. Sunscreen shieldApply a water resistant. broad-spectrum sunscreen with a SPF 40 – 50 to shield your skin from harmful UV rays. This will not only protect your skin but also prevent the colours from causing sun damage.
  4. Oil your scalpDon’t forget your scalp and hair! Apply coconut or almond oil to your scalp and hair to create a protective layer, making it easier to wash off the colours later. This will also prevent the colours from sticking to your scalp.
  5. Nail careApply a-nail polish to protect your nails from getting stained. Apply onto skin next to nails to avoiding staining. This will not only add a festive touch but also act as a barrier against the colour pigments.
  6. Cover exposed areasIf possible, cover exposed areas like your face, neck, and arms with a scarf or full sleeves to minimize direct contact with the colours.
  7. Trim and shapeConsider trimming your nails short to reduce the chances of colour getting trapped underneath. Shaping your nails will also make them less prone to damage.
  8. Avoid makeupIt’s advisable to skip heavy makeup on Holi. If you must wear makeup, opt for waterproof products that are easier to clean off later.Take these simple steps to safeguard your skin, allowing you to fully enjoy the spirit of Holi without worrying about its impact on your skin.


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