
All festivals have their unsavoury bits. But they give us distinct forms to express ourselves individually and collectively. Festivals bring us together. So our need for them endures

Nothing looks and feels more like a festival than Holi. To be sure Diwali, the other big name on the festival calendar, has its moments. Diwali is the time to buy things, stuff ourselves with food, play cards with real money, and the sound and fury of the fireworks that begin well before the actual festival and end well after. Diwali also has the advantage of being attached to other holidays – Dussehra, Durga Puja and Navratri – which makes the entire period feel like an endless celebration.

But even so, Holi done well, is special. No other festival carries with it the kind of unadulterated joy, the licence to let go a little, to shed inhibitions and become part of an undifferentiated mass of humanity.

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