Holi 2024: Know What Colour To Use As Per Your Zodiac Sign During This Festival



Holi 2024: This year Holi will be celebrated on March 25, while Holika Dahan falls the day before, i.e March 24. On this occasion, there is a conjunction of Sarvarth Siddhi Yoga, Ravi Yoga, Gand Yoga, and Budha Aditya this year. These auspicious yogas signify happiness, prosperity, and progress in the country. In this regard, let’s explore what offerings should be made during Holika Dahan for people of each zodiac sign and the colours they should use to play Holi with to increase happiness, prosperity, and fortune.

Aries: During Holika Dahan, offer a small amount of jaggery with the wood of the khair tree. Play Holi with red, maroon, yellow, and white colours to maintain enthusiasm and pride. However, black, brown, and deep green colours should be avoided.

Taurus: Offer sugar with the wood of the gular tree. Enjoy Holi with shiny white, cream, green, pink, and purple colours. This will bring a sense of cleanliness to the mind. However, avoid red, vermilion, and orange colours.

Gemini: Offer camphor with bamboo or banyan wood. Use green, blue, and cream colours during Holi to achieve mutual trust, mental coolness, and purity. Avoid black and red colours as they can bring adverse effects.

Cancer: During Holika Dahan, offer loban with the wood of the palash tree. Use pink, vermilion, light yellow, cream, and white colours during Holi. This will result in strength, vitality, alertness, peace, and cleanliness. However, deep blue, green, and red should be avoided.

Leo: Offer jaggery with the wood of the madar or banyan tree. Play Holi with vermilion, red, orange, and yellow colours for enjoyment, but refrain from using deep blue, black, cream, etc., as they can lead to loneliness and discrimination.

Virgo: Offer camphor with the wood of the guava tree. Use green and blue colours with certainty to evoke feelings of harmony and tolerance. Friendship and love will increase, but avoid deep yellow and red colours.

Libra: Offer sesame with the wood of the gular tree. Use white, green, and blue colours for Holi to promote unity and harmony, but stay away from red, yellow, and orange, as they may bring negative effects.

Scorpio: During Holika Dahan, offer jaggery with the wood of the neem tree. Use red, maroon, and brown colours for Holi. Pink and rose colours are also auspicious, but avoid yellow, green, and blue, as they may increase agitation and arrogance.

Sagittarius: Offer chickpeas with the wood of the kadamb tree. Play Holi with yellow, green, pink, and rose colours to evoke feelings of enjoyment, love, and respect. However, avoid black, red, and orange colours.

Capricorn: Offer sesame with the wood of the shami tree. Use green, blue, and cream colours for Holi to promote strength, vitality, mutual trust, peace, and spiritual inclination. Avoid red, yellow, and white colours.

Aquarius: Offer sesame with the wood of the shami tree. Use blue, green, cream, and deep colours for Holi to enhance happiness and auspiciousness. Avoid yellow, orange, and red colours, as they may have adverse effects. However, avoid deep blue and purple colours.

Pisces: Offer barley with the wood of the neem tree. Play Holi with yellow, red, and pink colours to increase happiness, joy, and excitement. However, avoid dark blue, green, and black colours.


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