
We all have blood. It is so useful while inside the body. There are few outside-the-body uses also. Most dramatic is when the hero makes a cut on his thumb, applies the blood on the forehead of a female and claims her to be his instant wife. 

Where there is blood, there is blood pressure. For a normal life, one needs a normal blood pressure. When blood pressure goes high, health goes low.

There can be so many reasons for this blood pressure to go high. Apart from other established rationales like genetics and diet and activity and so on, it also depends upon the mood of the doctor, beauty of the attending nurse (this is for male patients only) and ethics and accuracy of the Chinese company that built the blood pressure measuring apparatus. 

In the early years of 21st century, blood pressure of 120/80 was considered normal. My blood pressure was slightly above that limit. So I kept on visiting the doctors. 

“130/84. This is not high enough to start medication.” They would tell me. “Let us wait for it to go higher.” This conversation was repeated every month. 

One fine day, the topmost body in the world that decides on matters of blood pressure, declared that it is normal to have lower blood pressure up to 90. In one stroke, millions of people like me were declared people with normal blood pressure.

Maybe the pharmaceutical lobby was not very influential at that time.

After a few years, my blood pressure started hovering around 140/ 92. I again started visiting doctors. They again advised me to visit after a few days with a higher blood pressure. 

So I went to a doctor whom I believed to be the wisest of all. He asked me all the questions related to my family tree – as high as I could go in the branches, whatever I eat and whatever I pass out, planet alignment at the time of my birth, do I consider myself a liability on earth or a boon for the mankind, whether I sleep with the pillow under my head or between my legs, the sound of frogs irritates me or not, and many more such queries.

Finally he handed over a prescription to me. It had only one medicine, to be taken once a day. 

I was happy and relieved. 

I was about to leave when he suddenly said, “Oh, I missed out on a very important question, are you married?”

“Yes sir” I replied.

“Sit down please.” He took back the prescription from me and added one more medicine to it. 

I was awestruck with his wisdom. Just curious, I asked him – “Doctor what if it is love marriage?”

“Then I have to add two medicines – one for being married and second for the guilt of willfully marrying the reason for high blood pressure.” He replied with a poker face. 

He again asked – “Do you have teenager kids?”

“Two” I replied.

“Oh” he added two more medicines to the slip.

“I believe, I have to continue with these medicines all my life.” I commented.

“Not really. Doses will be reduced in two stages. Once when your kids are beyond teen age. Second stage is when your marriage is more than 25 years old and you get so used to each other that you stop reacting and start pretending that you have become hard of hearing.” 

I know I am in safe hands. 



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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