Here’s what an excellent corporate lawyer really looks like



I’ve had the privilege of engaging with exceptional lawyers from associate to senior equity partner levels within the echelons of corporate law. Having met thousands of such excellent lawyers in my career and moderated countless recruitment processes, I’ve gleaned exactly what separates the exceptional from the merely competent as business, legal, and strategic advisors. Here, I share insights into the traits that make an excellent corporate lawyer.

Deep legal acumen and business insight

First and foremost, an exceptional corporate lawyer possesses an in-depth understanding of the law. However, legal expertise alone doesn’t suffice. The elite blend this knowledge with sharp business insights, enabling them to not just navigate but to anticipate the implications of complex legal frameworks on business operations and strategy. This dual lens allows them to provide advice that is not only legally sound but also strategically astute.

Unwavering commitment to client success

The partners and associates I’ve spoken with underscored their unwavering dedication to their clients’ success. This isn’t about mere representation; it’s about partnership. They delve deep into their clients’ industries, businesses, and challenges, often foreseeing hurdles and opportunities well before they become apparent. Their commitment extends beyond solving problems—it’s about being a pivotal part of their client’s growth and success story.

Exceptional negotiation and communication skills

Negotiation is an art, and in corporate law, it’s a critical one. The finest lawyers are those who can navigate the most contentious negotiations with a blend of assertiveness and diplomacy, achieving outcomes that serve their clients’ best interests while maintaining positive relationships all around. Coupled with impeccable communication skills, they can articulate complex legal concepts in understandable terms, ensuring clarity and alignment among all stakeholders.

Strategic problem solving and innovation

The legal landscape is ever-evolving, with new challenges constantly arising. Top-tier corporate lawyers are those who approach problems with a strategic mindset, leveraging their deep legal and business understanding to craft innovative solutions. Their ability to think several steps ahead and prepare for various scenarios ensures their clients are always in a position of strength.

Integrity and ethical leadership

In discussions with senior partners, the theme of integrity and ethical leadership was ever-present. The corporate world is fraught with challenges and temptations that can sway the unwary. However, the exceptional lawyer stands firm in their ethical principles, guiding their practice, their firm, and their clients with unwavering moral clarity. This integrity fosters trust, respect, and a reputation that is invaluable in the legal profession.

Building and nurturing relationships

Finally, the importance of relationships cannot be overstated. Law is a profession built on trust and collaboration. The best corporate lawyers invest time and energy in building strong relationships—not just with clients but with colleagues, peers, and even adversaries. These networks are invaluable, providing support, opportunities, and insights that contribute to their success and that of their clients.

In conclusion, my conversations with leading figures in corporate law have illuminated the multifaceted nature of excellence in this field. It’s a blend of legal and business acumen, commitment, negotiation and communication prowess, strategic innovation, integrity, and relationship-building. As someone deeply involved in guiding the next generation of lawyers, I see my role as not just about imparting knowledge, but about inspiring students to consistent exceptional success in corporate law.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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