
There are two critical components that we all should deeply reflect and think about – our health and wellbeing, and our intention towards life and things that come across us during our life. For both, we must try doing things that are in our hands the right way as much as possible. In order for us to do our best, mindfulness and the ability to be in the present moment is required. As simple as this sound, these are quite challenging things to implement on a sustained basis. Taking up something on a once off basis based out of an impulsive reaction might make you feel good for that specific moment but taking up a way/lifestyle in a continuous manner requires will power, extra effort, ability to not be lazy, open mindedness, mental toughness, ability to cut out irrelevant news/events/activities from our lives without having a fear to miss out on them.

With how things are becoming easier to access with each day passing, in terms of food and accessing information, we somehow forget that we end up compromising a lot of what our bodies and organs are meant to do. This is quite dangerous, as this ease in our lives without us knowing slowly starts to act as poison and keep poisoning us to the point a clear problem that can be seen/felt becomes evident. If during this entire time we have been clueless about our health, mindfulness, and ability to introspect, we miss out on creating reserves within our body, which helps us in times of need – when a situation of emergency arises / something unexpected happens. This combination becomes deadly – with things becoming easier than ever, us putting in junk in our bodies without thinking twice, leading a life daily without being present in moment, we then end up becoming a puppet to uncertain situations, and whose fault is it then, a lot of it is ours. It is important to take charge of our lives as soon as we can even if that means going against what society asks us to do. So many of the health problems, misery caused due to it, misery caused to family members because of the same can be avoided if conscious living can be started. At the end of the day, we do not know when something unexpected may happen to us, that part is what is not in our hands, as we are part of this larger game of life, but what surely is in our hands is to best prepare ourselves (create health reserves by mindful healthy living) for these uncertain situations so that we are able to get passed them, and not become a prey to them.

A similar approach can be used towards how we can best try to lead our lives with good intention. We all come across people with all kinds of intentions, goals, and desires. Again, without thinking about what others are doing or saying, what here we can do is to take charge of the way we choose to lead our lives and our intention towards it. Being pure hearted, and genuinely doing best without affecting others, again being mindful about our actions can help us to create goodwill reserves. This is what then can come into play during times when we are stuck in difficult/hopeless situations, when we do not know what can happen next. A lot of times we do come across scenarios where we are bewildered as to how we came out of a hopeless situation that life throws at us now and then. We tend to say it is luck, but another way of thinking about the same could be if we do good, then it also comes back to us in ways that we cannot think about – circle of life and law of harvest.

In this society, there are so many distractions and interesting things to do and explore. As we do the same, we should just at the back of our heads also be aware that at the end of the day no one will come and save us or help us in extreme difficult situations, it is us who has to first face these situations one on one. Therefore, it is us who must create the health and goodwill reserves through mindful living, which can then help protect us as best as possible during such times!



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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