Hands: Crafting connections, shaping destinies



by Homayun Taba

I used to marvel at the dexterity of my dad’s brother’s small hands. A professional magician, working with an audience at close quarters, it was as though he was gifted with a separate brain in the nimble fingers of his ambidextrous hands.

Humans are homo faber, creators of objects, made possible because of the opposable thumb, quite different from other primates. We can grasp tools firmly, sew tiny stitches, even sign between narrow dotted lines. Aristotle called the hand ‘tool of tools’. Manual work requires handling of simple tasks, technical tasks work with hands and the brain, while an artist, as well as the sign language user, combines the fingers, brain, and emotion.

In spite of thousands of daily tasks, very few of us look closely at our own or others’ hands. Women are better at this, especially in jewellery wearing and in manicuring. ‘Man’ in ‘manicure’, comes from Latin ‘manus’, hand, with derivatives manual, manufacture, manuscript, manipulate. The Greek word for ‘hand’ is ‘kheiro’, chiro as seen in chirography – handwriting.

The digital age has led to more uses, typing, and sending messages. ‘Digital’ originates from the Latin ‘digitus’, finger, traditionally used for counting. Hands and lips are the most sensitive parts of our anatomy – sensitive to texture, temperature sensing, to touching and reading, as in Braille.

Positive relational connotations include – handshake, army salute, waving, affectional hands holding, comforting hand on the shoulder of a grieving person. Negative uses are rude and obscene finger gestures, threatening finger pointing, making a fist with intention to cause harm.
Psychologically, handling refers to problem solving, managing conflicting, or stressful emotional situations in order to avoid impulsive reactions as ‘flying off the handle’. Hand movements can reveal emotional states – fidgeting, sweating, and shaking.

Among many religious and spiritual symbols, we have hamsa, open hand, known as the Hand of Fatima in Islam and the Hand or eye of Miriam in Judaism, as defence against the evil eye. Hamsa, Arabic khamsa, five, in Indian tradition refers to the five senses.
Referring to the divine, our finger points upward ‘all is in her hands’. While praying, our open or folded palms indicate receptivity of blessings.

Many traditions use mudras with psycho-spiritual significance – abhaymudra, right hand held upright and palm facing outwards as a gesture of reassurance dispelling fear and conveying divine bliss and protection. Mudras are also used for redirecting pranic currents in the subtle body, as well as inducing certain mental states.

It is good to be reminded that hands are not just a physical assemblage of bones, muscles and nerves but conveyors of thoughts, emotions and of deep significance. In Michelangelo’s Creation of Adampainting, a divine finger reaches out to infuse prana, the breath of life, into the man’s finger. In being grateful for the gift of life, our commitment needs to be harm avoidance, and to reach out with healing hands and intention to all in need physically or otherwise.

It is said that we don’t hold the world’s solution in our hands, but we do have our hands to work towards solving the world’s problems. When the God of history comes, points out Mamerto Menapace, the Benedictine monk and writer, “He will look at our hands.”



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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