Half-truth is equal to a complete lie!



Maharashtra’s revered Saint Tukaram Maharaj made a poignant comment on people who uphold false ideals. And one is strongly reminded of this view point by Saint Tukaram when we observe the actions of some of the Opposition’s I.N.D.I Alliance leaders today. The leaders of this Alliance are circulating false information in an attempt to fabricate stories against Narendra Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party, ostensibly predicting their defeat in the impending Lok Sabha elections, which are scheduled to take place in a few days.

Recently, a video of senior BJP leader and cabinet minister Nitin Gadkari was altered and shared on social media by Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge, the Alliance’s convenor and Jairam Ramesh, the intelligent face of the party. Gadkari has filed a lawsuit against them. Congress shared a 19-second video with Gadkari discussing the nation’s rural residents, farmers and the impoverished. He is heard stating, “The rural impoverished, workers and farmers are suffering. There are no excellent roads, no access to clean drinking water, no excellent schools or hospitals.” The footage that Congress shared is cleverly cropped to not show Gadkari’s complete statement. In fact, Gadkari was speaking about urban migration before he spoke about the rural areas. Subsequently, he is also seen discussing measures taken by the NDA government to raise farmers’ standard of living. But the video that the Congress posted on its X account does not use any of this.

“Despite knowing the complete context of the shared video, it was deliberately shared in a manner to hide the essence of the statement by posting it with a caption in Hindi,” reads the notice that Gadkari served the Congress. This is nothing more than a malicious attempt to discredit. This demonstrates unequivocally how the video was manipulated to incite people’s misunderstandings against Nitin Gadkari and the Bharatiya Janata Party. All this is, as it were, an attempt to sow discord between the leaders of the BJP. In fact, the clip was taken from Shri. Gadkari’s interview, which was altered and shared, misrepresenting the true intent of the statement. This is Congress’s desperate attempt to disseminate misinformation about the BJP using contemporary technologies. It is only after seeing the interview of Shri. Gadkari to the portal ‘The Lallantop’, is when one realizes Congress’s act of defaming BJP leaders. Nitin Gadkari can be seen discussing the rural economy after 15 minutes of this 1 hour 42 minutes video in which from 15.20 to 15.45, Nitin Gadkari was questioned about farmers. The Congress deliberately altered the response, removing the original context.

Congress is clearly foreseeing defeat as more and more voters choose to back Narendra Modi in the upcoming elections, which is why the party stoops that low to oppose the Bharatiya Janata Party. Since the Congress is not willing to accept defeat for the third time in a row, they are turning to such low-cost methods of manipulations and false narratives. They most likely believe that by doing this, they will be able to win over some voters.

There had never been a 15-year long period when Congress was out of power. From the first general election in 1952 to 1977, the Congress ruled at the Centre for almost a quarter of a century. With

the exception of the two and a half years rule by the Janata Party that ended in 1979, the Congress has been in power for 10 years from 1980 to 1990, for five years from June 1991 to 1996 and 10 more years, from 2004 to 2014. And now, the fact that the BJP will rule for another 5 years, making it a 15-year tenure, is frightening the Congress. The Congress leaders are spreading misinformation and descending so low out of pure desperation. Spreading false narratives for political gains is nothing but Congress’ frustration.

It's interesting that despite having a 138-year history, not only the Congress but even the AAP feels compelled to use such subpar strategies. Recently, Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal had to apologize before the Supreme Court after retweeting a video of Dhruv Rathi. Kejriwal reposted a video that famous YouTuber Dhruv Rathi had posted on social media, seemingly criticising the BJP government. As a result, Kejriwal was sued for defamation by Vikas Sankrityayan, the owner of a social media page ‘I Support Narendra Modi’ and the national convenor of the Aam Aadmi Party was forced to apologize before the Supreme Court. The apology stated that retweeting such a slanderous video was the biggest mistake. On one similar occasion, Arvind Kejriwal too had to apologize to Nitin Gadkari in the court. I hope that at least now, Congress leaders will understand how little the electorate appreciates lies and misleading tales.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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