Haircut not the only way to declutter your head


An individual learns best through a specific way of communication. Some prefer writing, some listen, and others read. In my case, writing leads to more learning than listening or reading. I remember the crazy long notes we produced as school-going children by the end of every class. At times, the focus would be more on the speed of scribbling everything the teacher uttered than learning. Imagine somebody’s class notes having “hmm uhm aachhoon”. The sincere most disciple, I would say! Immediately after the scribbling wars, we would count and compare the number of pages we wrote with those of friends. I have very knowledgeable friends who have ditched note-taking during school days. I didn’t know there was an option! I didn’t know there was a different way of learning than taking notes. You are right. I come from a background where exams were more of a test of memory than that of learning! By the way, I had jotted down the skeleton of this article using my phone while we waited at the bank for our turn. Note-taking these days!

I have been frequently using mind maps lately. I find that a helpful way of note-taking. A mind map gives a holistic view of a topic. It helps organise my chaotic thoughts in a structured way. The less I talk about what goes on inside my head, the better it is. There are plenty of online tools available to draw mind maps. It being digital gives us certain advantages. We can hide and show branches, making it possible to view the level we desire to see. There is practically no limit to how deep we can go. You can convey the lay of the land effectively. Not only that, but it also works as a handy tool for future reference. The closest structure we have to a mind map is a table of contents in a book.

If a candidate can draw a mind map using pen and paper during an interview, there is a high chance that they understand the topic well. To create one, you need expertise on the subject. If I am unsure whether a specific piece of content goes on one branch or another, I have problems with that subject. These days, I am trying to follow a practice. Whenever I go through something or learn something new, I create a mind map and share it with the team. It becomes a living document as we can return and add more branches when we learn more about the topic. While I am sure such tools have many more capabilities, I use the basic ones. I try to keep it limited to only the node’s name. You can usually add images and additional text to each node. Please don’t take the simplicity away from me!

I cannot close an article without talking about AI. Guess what! The tool also allows for AI-generated mind maps. You give a topic, and you get a bunch of branches and sub-branches generated within seconds. While I appreciate the “mind-mapic” leap into the future, AI-generated maps were not impressive. An AI-generated mind map with AI as the topic was not remarkable either. I guess AI is not a good auto-biographer.

ML is a subset of AI, DL is a subset of ML, and LLM is a subset of DL. AI is the creation of intelligent agents. Contrast it with natural intelligence. ML is the exercise of training models, evaluating them and using the best one to predict. Deep learning models learn more complex patterns than regular ML can do. LLMs are generative pre-trained language models that evolved from a specific type of DL. It was much easier to understand when I represented this information (and plenty more) in the form of a mind map titled “Data Science Fundamentals”, having 293 branches. A different mind map, “Large Language Models”, came up to 291 branches.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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