GSLV-F14: ISRO To Launch INSAT-3DS On February 17. All About The Meteorological Satellite



INSAT-3DS: The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is set to launch the INSAT-3DS meteorological satellite on February 17, 2024, as part of the GSLV-F14 mission. INSAT-3DS is scheduled to take off at 5:30 pm IST on February 17, atop a Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV), from the Second Launch Pad at Satish Dhawan Space Centre. This will be GSLV’s 16th flight. INSAT-3DS, a meteorological and disaster warning satellite, will be placed into a geosynchronous transfer orbit. 

After some orbit-raising manoeuvres, INSAT-3DS will be placed in a geostationary orbit. 

A geostationary orbit is a circular orbit 35,785 kilometres above the Earth, in which a satellite’s orbital period is equal to the Blue Planet’s orbital period of 23 hours and 56 minutes. A geostationary orbit is a special type of geosynchronous transfer orbit. Geosynchronous transfer orbits can have any inclination, but a geostationary orbit’s plane lies exactly above the Earth’s equatorial plane. 

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More about INSAT-3DS

INSAT-3DS is the latest INSAT (Indian National Satellite), and will allow a continuation to the services provided by the existing in-orbit INSAT-3D and INSAT-3DR satellites. The third generation meteorological satellite will also enable an enhancement of the capabilities of the INSAT system. 

INSAT-3DS has a lift-off mass of 2,275 kilograms. Indian industries have made significant contributions to the realisation of the satellite. 

The satellite is designed to perform enhanced meteorological observations, and to monitor land and ocean surfaces for weather forecast and disaster warning. The satellite is equipped with several state-of-the-art payloads, which include a six-channel imager (a device used to record images of something), a 19-channel sounder (a device used to determine the depth of a water body), and two communication payloads.

The Data Relay Transponder (DRT) instrument, and the Satellite-Aided Search and Rescue (SAS&R) transponder are the two communication payloads. 

The aim of the DRT is to receive meteorological, hydrological, and oceanographic data from automatic data collection platforms and automatic weather stations, and enhance weather forecasting capabilities. The SAS&R transponder incorporated inside the satellite will relay a distress signal or alert detection from the beacon transmitters, and facilitate search and rescue services. 

The India Meteorological Department (IMD), the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), the Indian National Center for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), the National Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF), and the National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), which are departments under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, will use data obtained from INSAT-3DS to provide improved weather forecast and meteorological services. 

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More about GSLV-F14

GSLV has three stages, and is 51.7 metres long. It has a lift-off mass of 420 tonnes. The first stage, called GS1, has a solid propellant motor called S139. This motor can carry up to 139 tonnes of propellant. 

The second stage, called GS2, can carry up to 40 tonnes of propellant. 

The third stage, GS3, is a cryogenic stage, and can carry liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen up to 15 tonnes.

Using GSLV, one can launch a variety of spacecraft which can perform a wide array of functions such as communications, Earth resource surveys, and navigation. 

GSLV-F14 will be ISRO’s 93rd mission, and the space agency’s second mission this year. 

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What are the objectives of INSAT-3DS?

One of the objectives of INSAT-3DS is to provide the vertical profile of various meteorological parameters of the atmosphere. In meteorology, a vertical profile is a graph which shows the variation of a meteorological parameter with height. 

Other objectives of INSAT-3DS include monitoring the Earth’s surface, carrying out observations of the ocean and its surrounding environment, and providing satellite-aided search and rescue services.

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