Growing up and education must determine our ‘Swadharma’ & guide us in Vocation in accordance with our respective inherent tendencies



Our Inner world of Mind and Consciousness controls the External and outer world of matter. The West with its independent, ambitious, adventurous spirit and commitment to duties and quality in work, now excels in the fields of material sciences, technology, organizations, politics, etc. However, we have ignored the best of Vedic ideas on Mind and Consciousness and their experiences to explore our Inner world of Mind and Consciousness!

Vivekananda wasn’t just a Hindu Monk or a religious/spiritual seeker; he was an example of the best of West and East! A brilliant student of modern education and religions as well as of ancient Vedantic wisdom. Having experienced the ‘inner world of subtler aspects and the subtlest Consciousness’ he became a student of Humanity and Creation, ready to see and learn from the best of West and East – ‘Western excellence in exploring the external world of matter and space’ plus ‘Vedic Sciences and its discoveries of our Inner world of Mind’ etc. that governs the externals.

A Principle: Never treat equal people unequally or unequal people equally! With best of intentions, for some inexplicable reasons, we of the modern society, with our ideas of democracy and religions, have failed to accept a simple, obvious reality, that the mindset, qualities and attributes of the minds of people are neither equal nor are people born equal with a clean slate.

‘Why are our minds unequal?’ As a society we have yet to ask, explore, discuss, why are we born unequal with different inherent-inborn tendencies in this or that families? Only when we enquire intellectually, free from religious beliefs, we have the opportunity to recognize a commonsense idea that people create their own mindset, worldview, tendencies, etc. by their own repeated habits-thoughts-actions. And so, we must have crafted our mind, ourselves ‘earlier’, maybe before birth. From this idea arises the idea that the purpose of creation could be to give us birth after birth till I learn to live and work in Order, Rtm, Rhythm, Harmony with whole creation!

And then perhaps we may recognize the need to ensure that 10-20 years of growing up and schooling must not be a process to load everyone with the same information, knowledge, skills! Our commonsense suggests and Vedic wisdom states that our every thoughts-actions are continuously forming – refining or polluting – our habits and minds, by the quality of our actions! So, we need to discuss and reflect, should unequal people be treated equally? Should everyone be considered fit to be leaders of societies? And, learn how to improve the quality of our mind, our thoughts-actions in and thru’ daily working and living?

No soul is superfluous in God’s creation. The lowest menial worker and the higher preachers, teachers, rulers, all are a part of the divine plan which is designed for the gradual perfection of all living beings. We all fit into this scheme of Creation like tiny cogs in the giant wheel. And the Universe does not expect more from us than the character-competence that we have earned fulfilling our respective swadharma, duties, according to our inherent tendencies.

Therefore, if we can simply perform our respective Swadharma in accordance with our nature and position in life, we will participate in this divine plan where all beings are to struggle and strive God-wards! Our every activity done in a spirit of Selfless service, with devotional consciousness makes it a form of worship of God in man.

Fulfilling our respective Duties, Swadharma, based upon our gunas, quality and attributes of our inherent inborn tendencies, we use the potential abilities of our body and mind in a constructive and beneficial manner. This leads to purification and growth, towards our Oneness with the Order, Rtm, of Creation and is auspicious for the self and society. And since the prescribed duties are in accordance with our innate qualities, we feel comfortable and stable in discharging them. Then, as we enhance our competence, our Swa-dharma also changes, and we step into higher responsibilities to be mentors of societies. In this manner, we keep advancing by dutifully executing our responsibilities.

By performing one’s natural occupation, one worships the Creator from whom all living entities have come into being, and by whom the whole universe is pervaded. By such performance of work, a person easily attains perfection.

If our thoughts-actions are continuously forming our mind, good or bad, it is better to do one’s own dharma, even though imperfectly, than to do another’s dharma, even perfectly! By fulfilling our duties, born of our innate qualities, we human attain Perfection. And as we grow towards selflessness, we will ourselves realize and experience the fruit of being good, ethical, religious, etc., whatever may be our Religions and Beliefs in This or That!

Thus, the very purpose of all scientists and education must be on inspiring us to awaken our viveka-buddhi, discriminative intellect, and build powers of Mind, concentration, self-control, will-power, to strive to be a good, enlightened virtuous citizen, growing towards more and more Selflessness in all our work, duties, relationships, activities.

Education and growing up must help us imbibe the Virtues like tranquility, restraint, austerity, purity, patience, integrity, knowledge, wisdom, and belief in a hereafter. These ought to be the intrinsic qualities for those in Academia and Policy makers whose responsibility it ought to be, to guide us on the traditional path of “Dharma-Artha-Kaama-Moksha”, thru “Righteousness earn and enjoy remaining on the Path to Perfection”.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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