Green Development Pact To Digital Public Infra: India Lists ‘Key Achievements’ As G20 President



As its term as G20 President nears its conclusion, India has outlined a series of key achievements during its tenure, emphasizing its commitment to a sustainable future, gender equality, and technological transformation. The G20 Leaders’ Summit, a gathering of world leaders, began on Saturday with notable world leaders in attendance such as US President Joe Biden, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, and Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, among others while Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping were represented by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Premier Li Qiang respectively.

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Green Development Pact To Digital Public Infra: India’s ‘Key Achievements’ As G20 President 

Green Development Pact

One of the central themes of India’s G20 presidency has been a focus on sustainable development. India has underscored the importance of ensuring growth that does not burden future generations. To achieve this, the G20 has established a climate finance mechanism, aiming to aid developed countries in meeting the ambitious goal of USD 100 billion. India has also advocated for an ambitious New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) beyond 2025 to further address climate change challenges. 

Additionally, there has been a significant emphasis on expediting progress towards the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs). Reinforcing its commitment to global sustainability, India has proposed increased access to data from various countries to tailor-make solutions for these goals.

Emphasis On Gender Equality And Women Empowerment

India, during its G20 presidency, has been a strong advocate for gender equality and the empowerment of women. The country has stressed the importance of inclusive participation for girls in the education sector and women in the workforce. India showcased various initiatives aimed at providing women-oriented healthcare and expanding opportunities for women, including improved access to bank accounts. Furthermore, India highlighted the increased participation of women in Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, underlining its commitment to bridging gender gaps.

PM Modi’s Mission LiFE, ‘Not An Era Of War’ Comment In Declaration

PM Modi’s ‘Mission LiFE’ also found mention in the Declaration in the form of G20 High-Level Principles on Lifestyles for Sustainable Development (LiFE). “…we commit to robust collective actions that will enable the world to embrace sustainable production and consumption patterns and mainstream Lifestyles for Sustainable Development. Relevant studies on it show that it could contribute to significant emission reduction by 2030 for a global net-zero future,” the document read. PM Modi launched the LiFE initiative in India in 2022 at the Statue of Unity In Gujarat.

The Delhi Declaration also states ‘Today’s era must not be of war’, a quote by PM Modi that has found resonance among world leaders. PM Modi used the phrase last year to advise Russian President Vladimir Putin. The US later cited PM Modi’s advice to Putin and sought to work with India to bring about an end to the Russia-Ukraine war. PM Modi again used the phrase to emphasise the importance of “peaceful resolution of disputes” when he addressed the joint session of the US Congress. The speech earned him a standing ovation

Promoting Technological Transformation And Digital Public Infrastructure

According to a statement, New Delhi highlighted that India has demonstrated how technology can be harnessed for the motto of ‘Minimum Government, Maximum Governance.’ The nation’s increased access to technology has not only promoted transparency but also facilitated the efficient delivery of welfare services, especially to remote areas. The digital economy has, in turn, created new job opportunities and contributed to lifting people out of multidimensional poverty. India’s pursuit of cheap data and the development of indigenous technology platforms have been pivotal in propelling the nation to new heights in the digital arena.

Multilateral Institutions For 21st Century

Under India’s G20 presidency, there has been a concerted effort to reform and adapt multilateral institutions to address the challenges of the 21st century. Several significant frameworks have evolved, including:

  • MDB Reforms: India has advocated for the strengthening, evolution, and heightened ambition of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs).
  • Crypto Assets Roadmap: The G20 has worked towards a roadmap for handling crypto assets, in collaboration with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Financial Stability Board (FSB).
  • Common Framework for Debt Treatment: The G20 has expressed its commitment to a Common Framework for Debt Treatment beyond the Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI).
  • IMF Quota Review: India has supported a review of IMF quotas, expected to be completed in December 2023, to better reflect the evolving global economic landscape.
  • Multilateral Reform: India has supported multilateral reform, particularly referencing the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

Additionally, the G20, during India’s presidency, has stood firm in condemning and countering terrorism, reaffirming its commitment to global security.

Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that history has been created with G20 leaders adopting a unanimous declaration at the Delhi summit meeting on Saturday.

“United in consensus and spirit, we pledge to work collaboratively for a better, more prosperous, and harmonious future. My gratitude to all fellow G20 members for their support and cooperation,” PM Modi said on X. 

With 73 outcomes (lines of effort) and 39 annexed documents (presidency documents, not including Working Group outcome documents), G20 Sherpa Amitabh Kant said that India’s G20 Presidency has been the most ambitious in the history of G-20. 

The number of outcomes and annexed documents is said to be two to five times higher as compared to previous presidencies.

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