Golden Goa get together: Forever young at heart



‘Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional.’ Walt Disney

It was my second trip to Goa within the month and what I looked forward to was some quietude and a bit of relaxation. Put my over-zealous brain on the back burner for a while, and my hectic schedule on the snooze. The beach resort in South Goa seemed to be the perfect idyllic spot for it and my Twinkies itched to soak in some sun, sand and sea.

The morning sun peeped through the window and the rustle of the coconut tree fronds matched the cadence of the twittering sparrows. However, my ears picked up an altogether different set of cackle and clatter amidst nature’s peaceful symphony. Curiosity led me to relinquish my early morning sleep.

There, in the garden beside the pool, a group of elderly men and women were engaged in lively conversation. Their wrinkled yet animated faces made them look like school children reuniting after a long summer break. Upon further inquiry at the reception desk, I discovered that the group consisted of around 40 men celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of their graduation from IIT Kanpur, accompanied by their wives. At breakfast, these merry men and women dotted most of the tables in the restaurant. Dressed up in vibrant beach shirts and straw hats, they added an unexpected buoyancy to the atmosphere with their loud guffaws and nostalgic reminiscences.

I missed seeing them during lunch, but when I spotted a few ladies in the lounge later in the evening, I promptly inquired about their activities. It turned out that the group had split into two for the day: one group had gone to explore the city, enjoying sightseeing and shopping, while the other group had chosen to relax in the beachside shacks. In the evenings, they had a reserved spot across the road where they indulged in wining and dining, and also enjoyed singing and dancing, letting their hair down.

By the third day, my fascination with the lively group had peaked, and I eagerly sought an audience with one of the members. Mustan Tambawala, whom I managed to corner, informed me that he along with seven other batchmates, not only conceived the idea of the reunion but also planned and executed the whole thing. An accomplished individual who had ascended to the top of the corporate ladder before opting for an early retirement to pursue his dreams of acting in theatre, movies, and commercials, he graciously shared details about the reunion with me.

Back in 1969, they were a group of around three hundred teenage boys stepping into the revered halls of IIT Kanpur, which was considered the golden institute of technology at that time. The initial days were filled with homesickness, adapting to a new culture, and a bit of ragging, all of which brought them together and forged bonds that would last a lifetime. Since the institute was established by the Indian government with funding from American universities, almost half of the faculty members were either American or Indo-American. This connection often led to referrals for these students to American universities. Consequently, Tambawala explained, seventy to eighty per cent of them eventually moved to the US, either for work or to further their academic qualifications. 

As time passed, many of them became engrossed in their responsibilities and lost touch with each other. However, about twenty-five years ago, the batchmates reunited for their silver jubilee celebrations at the campus, rekindling their forgotten bonds. It was an emotional reunion that brought back a flood of memories.

This year, as they planned to gather again for the Golden Jubilee reunion, opinions were divided on the choice of venue. With most of them now over seventy years old, opinions on the venue for the get-together varied. Some felt strongly that it should be at the campus, as it might be their last chance to touch the soil of their alma mater. Others preferred a quiet holiday resort where they could gather, talk, and ruminate over days gone by. This is how the group descended at the inobtrusive holiday resort in Goa.

Though an outsider, I felt an inexplicable attachment to the group as their effervescent reunion personified the enduring spirit of friendship and resilience of bonds forged in youth. Despite the passage of fifty years and the challenges of ageing, they have retained a youthful exuberance and a deep-seated connection. Their gathering was not only a celebration of a lifetime of shared experiences, trials, and triumphs, highlighting the timeless nature of true friendship but also of the fact that age is merely a number, and the spirit of youthfulness and camaraderie knows no bounds.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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