
Now I know how a cucumber feels inside a fridge. Or any other vegetable or eatable stored in the fridge, for that matter.

God has made the entire North India and many others parts of the world an open fridge. We put things in the fridge to increase their useful life. But God’s fridge is claiming many lives. Cold weather throws up many challenges.

1. Find the Remote:

“Why are you watching the same news for the third time?” My wife would ask as she comes with the morning tea. Reason? I start the day with the news. By the time I am done with the news and want to change the channel, I am unable to find the remote in the folds of the blankets. Any effort to find the remote results in exposing the hands to the morning biting cold. Rather watch news repeatedly than getting cold hands.

2. Have Shower:

Is it really necessary to have a shower?” I face that question from my body every time I step into the bathroom. And I cannot say No every day. It takes some deft moves to adjust the mixture of hot and cold water to the right temperature. Initial splatter is always cold. Even though the water drops are round, they pierce the skin like needles. And one can feel the soul escaping through those needle pricks. It is only when the warm water engulfs the body that the soul comes back.

3. Drink Water:

“Have plenty of water to avoid dehydration, else you will have muscle spasms.” Told my physiotherapist. “Ok boss.” It is so simple. It was simple till I reached for the glass. Bottle and the glass were cold to say the least. Water was liquid ice. The moment I had my first sip, lips, teeth, gums, tongue, palate, cheeks, all revolted. “Hell with muscles, we don’t this water to touch us again.” They all screamed. I learnt to create the shortest route from the glass to the esophagus.

4. Drink Soda:

“I want soda at room temperature.” I told the waiter at the local club, moving the cold soda bottle away. “It is at room temperature sir.” He moved the bottle back towards me. Room temperature in single digits is not very helpful.

5. Human Thermometers:

“This is the coldest winter I have ever experienced.” Everyone over 50 years of age claims. “No, No. You are getting old.” Those below 50 years of age, counter. Either the winters are really coldest, or with age, sensitivity to cold increases. No one agrees to the age theory.

6. Solar Panels:

I spent money installing solar panels to save money on electricity bills. Neither me, nor the panels have seen the sun for a month now. “Come on man, produce some electricity.” I tell the panels.

“We are solar panels, man, and not fog panels.” They reply. And I try not to look at the electricity meter whirring away happily with all the geysers and heaters on.

Come on guys, give me hybrid panels. All the world is worried about global warming. I wonder when will they start talking about global colding.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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