Gaza Becoming A Graveyard For Children: UN Chief Warns Israel Amid Ceasefire Calls



New York: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres issued a dire warning, stating that Gaza is “becoming a graveyard for children.” He emphasized that the situation in Gaza is not just a humanitarian crisis but a crisis of humanity itself. Guterres stressed the urgent need for a ceasefire, highlighting its increasing necessity with every passing hour.

Guterres made a plea not only to the parties involved in the conflict but also to the international community. He urged them to address the collective suffering and significantly expand humanitarian aid to Gaza. The scale of human suffering demands immediate attention.

UN Aid Workers Pay A Heavy Price

During the Israel-Hamas war, 89 staff members of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) have tragically lost their lives. The toll on UN aid workers is unprecedented, with more casualties in recent weeks than ever before in the organization’s history. This loss is deeply felt within the UNRWA community, with 26 members sustaining injuries.

White House Warns Against Reoccupation

Meanwhile, the White House expressed concern over the possibility of Israel reoccupying Gaza. This comes in response to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s suggestion that Israel could take long-term security responsibility in Gaza after the war’s conclusion. The White House, through National Security Council spokesman John Kirby, stressed that a reoccupation by Israeli forces would not be in Israel’s or its people’s best interests.

Netanyahu’s Stance On Gaza Governance

Prime Minister Netanyahu asserted that Gaza should be governed by those not aligned with Hamas. He further suggested that Israel might need to maintain overall security responsibility, emphasizing the importance of stability.

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant echoed Israel’s determination to ensure security. He declared that Hamas, as a military organization or governing body in Gaza, would cease to exist by the end of the campaign. Israel intends to retain the freedom to respond to any situation in Gaza that poses a threat.

Uncertain Future For Gaza

The situation in Gaza post-war remains uncertain, with questions about how Israel plans to manage it. The recent violence has taken a devastating toll, with over 1,400 deaths in Israel and at least 10,022 in Gaza as of November 6.


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