G20 New Delhi Declaration: On AI, Leaders Commit To Pursue ‘Pro-Innovation’ Regulatory Approach



Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared on Saturday that a unanimous agreement had been reached within the G20. He credited this accomplishment to the collaborative endeavours of all the participating teams and conveyed the adoption of the G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Summit Declaration. Artificial intelligence (AI) was mentioned in the declaration, with the leaders committing to “pursue a pro-innovation regulatory/governance approach that maximises the benefits and takes into account the risks associated with the use of AI”.

In a rapidly evolving landscape, the advancement of AI holds the promise of fostering global economic prosperity and growth, the statement said, adding that the commitment lies in harnessing AI for the greater good, addressing challenges responsibly, inclusively, and with a human-centric approach, all while safeguarding the rights and safety of individuals.

To ensure the responsible development, deployment, and utilisation of AI, the G20 Leaders’ statement noted that it is imperative to address key facets such as the protection of human rights, transparency, explainability, fairness, accountability, regulation, safety, human oversight, ethical considerations, mitigation of biases, privacy, and data protection.

Unlocking the full potential of AI and distributing its benefits equitably while managing associated risks requires concerted international cooperation and discussions on a global governance framework for AI. In line with this objective, the following commitments have been made:

  • Reaffirmation of G20 AI Principles (2019): A reaffirmation of our dedication to the G20 AI Principles of 2019 and a commitment to share insights and strategies on the application of AI to bolster the digital economy.
  • Pro-Innovation Regulatory/Governance Approach: The pursuit of a regulatory and governance approach that fosters innovation while carefully considering the risks tied to AI utilization.
  • Promoting Responsible AI for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Advocating for the responsible application of AI to further the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Furthermore, speaking on digital ecosystems, the statement added that in the pursuit of creating safe and resilient digital ecosystems, leaving no one behind, the G20 leaders pledged to leverage all available digital tools and technologies. The commitment extends to ensuring financial inclusion for every global citizen. To achieve these objectives, the following actions have been outlined:

  • Promoting Responsible Digital Technology Usage in Agriculture: A commitment to encourage responsible, sustainable, and inclusive deployment of digital technology among farmers, alongside supporting Agri-Tech startups and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).
  • Global Initiative on Digital Health (GIDH): Welcoming the establishment of the Global Initiative on Digital Health (GIDH) under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO), with a focus on constructing a comprehensive digital health ecosystem in accordance with relevant data protection regulations.
  • Leveraging Digital Technologies for Cultural Preservation: An intention to harness digital technologies for the preservation and promotion of culture and cultural heritage, while also adopting digital frameworks to nurture the growth of cultural and creative sectors and industries.

The commitment to advancing AI for the benefit of humanity is underpinned by responsible practices, international collaboration, and an unwavering dedication to ensuring that the digital future is secure, equitable, and aligned with the G20 leaders’ collective values and aspirations.


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