From pranks to trendsetting: Tresses do it all!



It was the first Diwali after our wedding. One of my husband’s friends came to wish us. We met for the first time. Those days I used to wear my hair long. A couple of days later, on an impulse I got my tresses chopped and opted for a shorter hairstyle. That evening we went to the market and met the same friend who seemed hesitant in greeting me. 

As I went inside a shop, he cautiously whispered into my husband’s ear, “Is she your sister-in-law?” He was obviously at a loss in placing my identity after the haircut. My husband, who’s always ready with a prank or two, instantly replied, “Oh yes! They are twins.” The friend felt relieved and commented, “How remarkable! They not only look alike but even share the mole on their nose.”

We are the denizens of a world influenced by fast paced life with equally fast shifting trends and culture. Fast food, bullet trains, urban hustle, AI-based communication, express shipment and delivery systems, accelerated career paths, speed dating and 24X7 connectivity have become an everyday affair.  Gone are the days when life was slow that allowed steady relationships and stability of trends and styles. People, especially youth, not only copied the mannerisms of their icons but also their hairstyle and attire.

Dev Anand is often credited as one of the first Bollywood actors whose hairstyle gained enormous popularity and was widely copied by people. His slicked-back hairstyle became an iconic look, especially during the 1950s and 1960s. Dev Anand’s charm and distinctive hairstyle, often accompanied by a hat, left a lasting impression on his audience, and many young men sought to emulate his suave and debonair appearance. His influence on fashion and style, including his hairstyle, contributed to his legendary status in Indian cinema.

Sadhana, the timeless Bollywood beauty, left an indelible mark with her iconic hairstyle in the 1960s. The “Sadhana cut” was a revelation, featuring a bold fringe that gracefully framed her face. This trendsetting hairstyle, with its distinctive straight bangs, became a symbol of elegance and sophistication. The fringe, cascading like a waterfall, added an air of mystery to Sadhana’s allure. Women across the nation clamoured for the “Sadhana cut,” turning it into a cultural phenomenon. In the history of Bollywood glamour, Sadhana’s hairstyle remains a classic, a testament to her enduring impact on both fashion and the hearts of her admirers.

Celebrities especially actors these days have become bold and don’t mind experimentation with their looks and hairstyles. In fact, they prefer to don a fresh new look with every movie depending upon the character they portray. It is, therefore, almost impossible to emulate their styles which are ever-changing and beyond aesthetics. In complete contrast to their predecessors, the style evolution among modern day icons symbolizes cultural shifts, personal milestones, and societal dynamics.

In the current scenario, before you think about copying the hairstyle of your favourite actor or actress, you realize it was a case of ‘blink and you miss it’. Yet, in the penchant of self-presentation, hairstyles play a crucial role, often resonating with significance and style. They lend you an aura that defines you in more ways than you can imagine. So, pay attention to your crowning glory and always carry it with aplomb.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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