From pothole to potwhole: On highway or low way the crater has come to stay


Nitin Gadkari has promised to make our 1.46 lakh km of highways pothole-free by year end. The entrenched trenches themselves will yawn wider in boredom at yet another attempt to annihilate them. Remember? The otherwise efficient road transport minister was labelled Mr Flyover when he held the PWD portfolio in Maharashtra because he ordained 55 of these in Mumbai. For a while they did help us zip over notorious bottlenecks, but now the inevitable potholes on them have led to as many red faces as an unzipped fly.

For the sake of our LMVs, HMVs, SUVs, indeed GDP, we want the brave Shri Gadkari to succeed. But you see, ji, potholes are the unchallenged symbols of our rural, urban or in-between roads. Indeed, they should be ranked among our national insignia. Why, even the Ashok Chakra would get inextricably wedged into them.


In pothole one-downmanship, we can boast patriotic parity with that uppity Global North. The US and the UK sink billions trying to fix these road-eos, which make bucking broncos of the vehicles that dare to mount them. Our current Bad Boy keeps buckling under these terrors of tyres and axles. Google reveals a video of the mayor of Ottawa desperately trying out a pothole-paver called Python 5000. Admittedly, not what our MEA would call out as a snake in the grass.

So, indisputably monsters are like the dinosaurs: big, dangerous and dead-lier. All kinds of methods have been tried to zap them to extinction, from primitive gravel and cement patch-up to ultrasonic sensors and the algorithms YOLOv3 and YOLOv5. But they remain invincible, growing faster, deeper, wider with each winter, monsoon and contractor-corporator nexus.

Speaking of which, potholes and politics are similar, no? The Big Juggernaut Party has the heavy machinery to level out the subterranean tension. In the once-Grand Trunk Road party, firefighting is no substitute for regular maintenance. As for alliances, cracks develop if they aren’t constructed to withstand overloading; they become hellish if paved only with good intentions.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.


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