From flickering to flourishing: The rise of Round-the-Clock renewables in India



For decades, India’s energy landscape has been a story of flickering hope and frustrating limitations. We have chased the dream of clean, reliable power, battling the demons of rising fuel costs and dependence on imported resources. But a recent report by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has ignited a spark that feels different – a beacon of possibility that could rewrite the narrative entirely.

The report unveils the immense potential of Round-the-Clock Renewable Energy (RE-RTC). This isn’t your average solar panel and wind turbine combo. RE-RTC is a sophisticated dance between these renewable sources, cleverly integrated with storage solutions. It is like having a tireless green genie, ready to power your home or business 24/7, rain or shine.

Industry veterans would vouch for the fact that the industry has seen a fair share of technological promises, but RE-RTC feels like the real deal. Why? Because it tackles the Achilles’ heel of renewables – intermittency. We all know the sun does not shine at night, and the wind does not always blow. But with RE-RTC, the excess energy generated during peak production times gets stored, becoming a reliable reserve for evenings and mornings. This not only ensures a steady flow of clean energy, but also eliminates the need for expensive, polluting peak power plants.

The economic implications are nothing short of game changing. Right now, new coal plants are generating electricity at a cost of around ?5-6 per unit, and that is just the starting point. Fuel costs are a constant threat, pushing prices higher. RE-RTC, on the other hand, offers a stable, long-term solution at a competitive price point. Studies by the CEA suggest it can even be cheaper than traditional sources in the long run. Imagine that – powering your home with clean energy while saving money on your electricity bill. Sounds like a win-win, doesn’t it?

But the benefits extend far beyond cost savings. RE-RTC paves the way for a cleaner, more sustainable future for India. We can finally break free from the shackles of fossil fuels and their detrimental impact on our environment. Imagine a world where our energy needs are met without spewing harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. RE-RTC makes this vision a reality, putting India on a path towards achieving its ambitious net-zero emission targets.

Of course, challenges remain. We need robust policy frameworks to incentivize RE-RTC adoption, foster collaboration between stakeholders, and accelerate advancements in storage technology. But the CEA report provides a clear roadmap, and the government’s commitment to clean energy is a positive sign.

Commenting on the finding of this report, Bhushan Rastogi, MD, Mercados Energy Markets India, says, “This is not just about technology or economics. It is about a collective vision for a brighter future. RE-RTC represents a chance to rewrite India’s energy story, transforming it from one of vulnerability to one of self-reliance and sustainability. As an industry stakeholder, I cannot help but feel a surge of optimism. It is a new India moment for me.”

This may just be the dawn of a new era, where our homes and businesses are not just illuminated, but powered by the collective strength of innovation and a commitment to a cleaner, greener tomorrow. The future of India’s energy sector is no longer a flickering hope, but a steady light, guiding us towards a brighter, more sustainable future.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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