Freeloading & Freedom: Sticky-fingered journos are an embarrassment to the profession. Repressive regimes are a threat to it



US govt is asking journos who travelled on Air Force One to – discreetly – return items filched from the prez’s ride. Indian journos are known to have flicked towels, cutlery, even ketchup sachets and toothpaste during their work trips. Journos are only human. And some of them are susceptible to petty follies. The nature of journalism can bring reporters and editors proximity and access to exalted situations and things. Some folks help themselves to goodies, just as some scrupulously do not. Sticky-fingered journos should face the same penalties anyone else would. No journalist can deny there are a few rotten apples in the basket.

But, seriously, what journalists need is not the ability to freeload, but the ability to speak and write freely. Pressure from heavy-handed regimes is cramping journalists around the world. Russia has detained hundreds of journalists since it started the war. Israel, until recently a thriving democracy with flourishing press freedom, has not only denied access and security to journalists, its security forces seem to have intentionally targeted them – more journalists have died in Gaza than during the two-decade Vietnam war. Journalists are being harassed and censored when they try to be a check on power. Around the world, various regimes delegitimise the media. Journalists have been called traitors, prostitutes and liars. Professional questioning is often branded ‘fake news’, while real fake news flows freely. A free press is crucial, if we are not to be torn apart by tribal interpretations of the world. Journalists need the freedom to report facts as they see them, to disclose their biases and then proceed fairly. Yes, even when reporting or commenting, journalism isn’t perfect. But the answer to that is calling out imperfections of the press, not filching the freedom of the press.


This piece appeared as an editorial opinion in the print edition of The Times of India.



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