
Dog is the best friend of man. We have been taught that right from the days we were taught “D for Dog”. And we always believed that. 

After close to six decades of believing in dog, a new question cropped up in my mind. 

Why could not man be the best friend of man?

I mean, man and dog are similar in so many ways. They have many common traits.  

First and foremost would be peeing in the open. Men and dogs, both do it. It is majboori for the dogs and convenience for men. Dogs being friends of mankind, pee on objects related to mankind. Poles, cars, sometimes the legs of men deep in conversation with someone else. Men are of two kinds. Shy and open minded. Shy ones do it behind the bushes and try to be out of sight of others while open minded tend to do it wherever. 

In school, I was taught a story where a dog would carry the school bag of a little boy to school every day. I also went to drop my kids to school carrying their bags. And while I was there, I saw every parent carrying school bags for the kids. 

Man is supposed to safeguard the house and the family. I have seen many instances where man of the house is posted out and the family keeps a dog to protect the family and the house. Even when the man of the house is there, and the house to be guarded is very big, a mansion, the dogs are involved to do the needful. 

Dogs are curious. They tend to sniff everything. Similarly men are inquisitive. They also have the tendency to poke their noses in the affairs of others. 

I went to a wise man to get answer to my question – if they are so alike, why man is not best friend of man and a dog is?

The guy smiled at me as he fed morsels to dogs around him.

“When we keep dogs to safeguard a house, we are safeguarding against whom?” he asked me.

“Of course thieves or burglars.” I was spontaneous. 

“And the thieves and burglars are humans. So we keep dogs to defend ourselves from other human beings. Dogs don’t enter our houses to loot us.” 

So true. 

“And what do we do with smelling habits of the dogs.” He asked.

“We employ them in the police and army and airport.” It was so simple.

“And what purpose is served by the human habit of poking their noses in other people’s business?” the wise man continued.

“It is utter nonsense.” I replied. 

“For love and food, dog is ready to sacrifice its life for the sake of its master. For the same reasons, a man is ready to take life of another human being.” 

I was trying to think.

“Have you ever heard of deceitful, cheating or double crossing dogs?” the man asked me.

“Well, never.”

“That, my dear friend, makes dog the best friend of a man. Better than a man.”

“I guess so.” Was all I could say.

“I have one more query O wise one” I wanted to make full use of my visit. “Why do wives love dogs more than their husbands?”

“I don’t know. Let us go to some wiser man to find that out.” He said getting up.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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