Fire, Flood, Storms & Humanity’s Sojourn Into Climate Oblivion 



The devastating earthquake in Nepal in early November, claiming over 150 lives, is perhaps the latest reminder of the triviality of human arrogance before Gaia’s resolve. While this retaliation against the remorseless anthropogenic encroachment of ecosystem limits was more of a subterranean origin, the reminders on the surface have almost been ceaseless throughout 2023.  

The wildfires in Chile and Canada, Hurricane Otis hitting the southwest coast of Mexico, the catastrophic floods in Ghana, the raging wildfires in Argentina, and the severe heat wave sweeping across the US, Europe, and Asia this year are bleak reminders that humanity is accelerating towards a climate cliff. It is no surprise as, according to WMO, over the last half a century, extreme weather events have caused over USD 4.3 trillion in economic damage and inflicted more than 2 million deaths worldwide, 90% of them in developing countries. However, 2023, being predicted to be the hottest year in recorded history, is almost certain to push the envelope further with cascading and compounding negative implications for the communities globally.

As Secretary-General António Guterres puts it, “The climate emergency is a race we are losing, but it is a race we can win.” Nevertheless, the long series of failed climate talks demonstrates that knowledge is lost on all sides. The most recent was the tragic collapse of a crucial discussion on climate loss and damages, wherein the North and South came short of reaching a consensus on the topic, ruthlessly pulling the curtain on one of the few achievements of COP 27 in Egypt. Worst still, in 2023, the world continues to get sucked further into the geopolitical quagmire with unmistakable socio-climatic fallouts. Rolling into its second year, the conflict in Eastern Europe crystallized into a protracted war of attrition. Additionally, a potential racial-political faultline in the Middle East imploded in early October, with compounded human costs and inadvertently drawing away our critical focus from a Glacial Lake Outburst Flood in Sikkim, India, during the same month. 

The fact that we will be pushed off the brink by climate-induced disruptions is no longer a question of if but when. However, the question is whether we have enough collective will to break course with the inevitable or would like to dwell perpetually in the blissful climate-oblivion. The financial incentive to muster the former is high as this report estimates that every USD 1 spent on Disaster Risk Reduction Translates into a saving of up to USD 11 from losses due to extreme weather events like flooding, wildfires, and storm surges. Nonetheless, the realities remain rather harsh on the ground as climate activists demanding the inclusion of an existential concern into the mainstream policy discourse continue to bear the brunt of distorted, pro-extractivist rhetoric, facing everything from online abuses and repressive government measures to being branded as national security threats by the media.

Nonetheless, hope persists, and a positive transition is still possible only if we desire it! While prioritizing climate resilience must be the only way forward, the time has come for the global private sector to lead the charge on initiatives to curtail GHG emissions in ways that can translate into benefits percolating right down to the socio-economic grassroots and ensuring a world that can sustain undisrupted business operations into the foreseeable future. The Climate Pledge, representing the green intent of 449 of the largest global corporations, has already laid-out the model for target-based and impact-driven climate action based on private capital. But the most recent example can be found in Africa, a continent carrying a disproportionate and overwhelming burden of climate extremes. During the Africa Climate Summit 2023 at Nairobi in September, private sector leaders promised to work alongside the government and the social sector to deliver on green commitments.

But how does bringing in the private sector and letting it play an overarching role broaden the path of positive change? For humanity, developing climate resilience will increasingly become challenging with every degree rise of mercury. Therefore, right now, time is of the essence, and the choices we make today at the individual and institutional level will determine the fate of our future generations. To be effective, such choices, rather than skin deep, must be sustainable and embedded deep into our perception of reality.

Dr. Hoesung Lee, the Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), believes trust to be a prerequisite for successful transformational changes on the climate action front. Here, the private sector, as the mobilizer of global technology and financial resources and maintaining a pervasive presence in collective consciousness through its brands, is much better positioned to foster that trust and accelerate change. It’s not an overstatement that today, businesses and their consumers are interlocked in a transactional cycle of education, re-education, and influencing, pushing companies toward more sustainable operational postures and consumers towards embracing greener products and services, often at a price premium. The outcomes are incremental but observable changes in food production, energy mix, transportation, and other aspects of existence that can curtail GHG emissions and complement low-carbon lifestyles. Unsurprisingly, the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer found citizens considering Businesses to be more ethical and competent to uphold public good, way ahead of the Governments and the Media.

In short, if we hope for meaningful and inclusive climate action to transcend the policy bulwarks and drive tangible changes, the global private sector will have to play a more defining role in the grand scheme of things.

But the question remains whether such a model has enough time to gain the critical mass and make up for the grounds lost already. The outlook is not optimistic, and 2025 will probably be a year of new climate extremes. While this gives yet another point of deliberation for the global leaders as they meet at COP 28 in Dubai this year, the world outside continues to burn and drown simultaneously. Would our choices match the urgency of the hour or remain as mere footnotes for the next global meet as we continue to enjoy our sojourn in the climate oblivion?

Only time will tell. But it’s a luxury we don’t have.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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