ESG Ratings: What they are and why they matter



In the New World, institutional successes are not influenced by economic forces alone. They exist at the intersection of Environmental, Social, and Governance-related (ESG) concerns. Consequently, a consensus is materializing across the board that a resolute stand on sustainability can beget many benefits. This includes better valuation, improved financial performance, smooth access to capital, and of course, mitigated risk of operations even in disruptive landscapes.

ESG ratings: Quantifying risks in a disruptive world

Rightly, business sustainability has become the focus of stakeholder interests worldwide and ESG Ratings provide an objective benchmark. They interpret the organizations’ ESG policy impact in numerical terms, simplifying correlation and comparison of the outcomes across sectors. With over $30 trillion in sustainable capital placed across global investment conduits, ESG ratings have
evolved as a critical router determining their volume and flow. These yardsticks effectively bring a broad spectrum of factors ranging from climate change, pollution control, equity, social diversity, gender justice, fair labor practices to cybersecurity under the examiner’s lens. For investors, ESG ratings demonstrate the magnitude of resilience and socio-environmental accountability of their capital. For consumers and employees, it testifies the sustained commitment of brands to make this world a better
place through affirmative corporate action.

What goes under the hood?

Despite this, challenges persist. Rating agencies typically calculate the ESG scrores using algorithms and scorecards running on institutional sustainability data available in public domain. Further, industry- specific weightage is allocated to factors like carbon emissions and water consumption patterns. There is thus a lack of harmonization and disproportion in data-depth. In fact, the CFA Institute, in one of its studies, found that different rating methodologies often tell different stories about the same organization. What causes such variations, and more importantly, what tactics underlie the ESG rating process? Here is a rundown on the same in the light of a few premier ESG rating regimes:

Climate-focussed: This category is pioneered by the Carbon Disclosure Project in a bid to nudge the world towards a climate-secure future. The institution highlights environmental transparency and accountability as vital cogs in ensuring a sustainable future. CDP collects institutional data through questionnaires that are wholly aligned with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The evaluation matrix is four-phased, commencing with an organization's
existing position on environmental issues, moving through the consciousness of its environmental impact, management style, and finally, environmental leadership. A high CDP score indicates an organization’s solid environmental consciousness, proactive governance, and keen climate leadership.

Long-term resilience: Professed by MSCI, this regime measures the viability of business operations in the context of financially relevant ESG risks. This rating model is built on four fundamental queries: what are the most prominent risks and opportunities facing the company and industry at large, how exposed is an organization to such factors, how well business operations are managed in this context and how does a company fare in comparison to its global cohorts?

The model runs on a matrix of 10 themes and 35 key issues distributed across ESG aspects. The final MSCI ESG Rating – Leader, Average, Laggard; is derived through the weighted average of the Key Issue Scores, normalized relative to ESG rating industry peers.

Transparency-focused: Launched by Bloomberg in 2009, the regime is backed by a robust global monitoring architecture that tracks 11.8K organizations in 100+ countries based on public disclosures and third-party research. Bloomberg’s ESG data sets are retrospectively available from 2006 and are organized into over 2000 fields covering air quality, climate change & energy management, health & safety, compensation, diversity, board operations, and more. The scoring methodology tracks over 800
key metrics for organizations to arrive at a composite ESG rating. However, the scoring system fundamentally differs from its peers. Here it is based on their intent to disclose information, prioritizing transparency, with the scale ranging between 0 (lowest) and 100 (highest).

Industry-aligned: Sustainalytics pioneered an ESG rating regime that seeks to assess the company’s exposure to the industry-specific risks and how they are managed in comparison to industry players. The assessment considers a unique set of financially material ESG issues that can impact the long-term performance of the organization and its economic worth. The Sustainalytics ESG risk score is measured along a five-tiered intensity scale ranging from Negligible (0-10) to Severe (40+). It is derived using quality of corporate governance, financially material ESG issues, and exposure to black swan events as the building blocks. With the global ESG rating landscape visibly fragmented at the moment, the answer to what comprises a good ESG score remains elusive. Nevertheless, the fact remains that ESG rating is an excellent concept, albeit in the making. Currently, it is sufficient to say that an ideal ESG rating should be one that does not demonize organizations for the follies of the past but inspires them to work resolutely towards an inclusive and sustainable future.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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