
Once, two friends, Laddu Pinto and Gultu Kumar, grew up together. They went to the same school and were always jealous of each other’s performance. They had an extreme sense of competitiveness. Sometimes, they could not even tolerate the other person’s slightest success and felt depressed over it.

Laddu and Gultu had an intersection of one common interest – they were Shankar Gods bhakts. Once, Gultu decided to offer very sacred prayers to God and perform various Yagnas. Laddu followed the same process, and he prepared to offer similar prayers. After a sincere, dedicated and devoted penance of a few weeks, their session of prayers was about to end. That’s when Goddess Laxmi ji intervened. She told Shankar ji that these two boys were your devotees, and they had performed a precious puja to please you.

I am upset that you have not yet blessed or rewarded them! Why don’t you do so? Shankar ji said, “Goddess mother, on your request, I will do what you suggest, but you know, these fellows will never benefit because of the strong ‘envy for one another’ they nourish within!”

Shankar Ji then appeared in front of Laddu and said, “Child, I am happy with your prayers; I am here to offer you one wish of your choice.” Laddu asked God, “First, tell me, will you offer one wish to my colleague Gultu as well?" Shankar Ji replied in affirmation.”

Laddu was now worried and thought, “If I ask for one car, Gultu will ask for two cars; if I ask for one crore rupee, that Gultu guy might ask for double the amount!” Laddu thought a lot about the situation and came up with a very innovative trick. He asked God, “Please give me double of what Gultu may ask you as his wish!”

“Tathastu” – said the God and vanished. God then appeared before Gultu and expressed his desire to offer him a free wish. Gultu was also curious to know what Laddu had asked for. When Shankar ji informed Laddu’s clever idea, Gultu came out with a sinister plan. He said, “O God, make me blind by one eye!”

Envy, jealousy, and animosity are harmful virtues. One must avoid them as much as possible. Sometimes, when we see a highly competitive person, we tend to retaliate with an equally befitting response. Such a behaviour yields even harmful results, as seen in the story above.

Let us consider an alternative situation. Had Gultu asked for a wish like this, “God, please give me wisdom and enlightenment", the situation’s outcome would have been entirely different. As a result, Laddu would have gained infinite enlightenment, and ultimately, they would have survived in a peaceful and spiritually elevated life status.

This universe has abundant resources for each of us. Say, for example, “When two people live together, they do not fight for good health. You will have never encountered a situation when a person’s health is traded with someone else’s well-being! We all have equal rights to see, smell, touch, feel and listen. The availability of oxygen and water is equally shared with all on this earth. Likewise, other commercial and man-made resources are also abundant on this earth. Instead of subscribing to a scarcity mindset, start believing in your ability to attract all the goodies you want. In the process, you must not be affected by the success or failure of the others around you.”

Stop comparison and kill worry. Shun jealousy and bloom like a flower. Life is an event to be happy and joyous. When you think good for yourself, it multiplies into abundant goodness.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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