Emerging challenges of liquidity risk management in banks



The GDP of Q3 of FY24 recorded a growth of 8.4 percent far beyond the street expectation.  The forward outlook of GDP therefore now stands at 7.6 percent for the fiscal FY24, up from 7.3 percent. The results of banks for Q3 of FY24 also reflected continued growth in many critical business parameters. The capital-to-risk-weighted assets ratio (CRAR) reached a high of 16.8 percent in September 2023. The Gross non-performing assets ratio (GNPA) was down to a multiyear low at 3.2 percent and net NPAs down to 0.8 percent. Amid such buoyant growth of the economy and stronger banking system, demand for bank credit will rise putting more pressure on liquidity that has been running in deficit during most of the current financial year to varying degrees. 

Moreover, while downgrading the rating of ICICI Bank, SBI, and Yes Bank, Goldman Sachs observed that going forward, the major challenges could be the rising pressure on the cost of funds due to structural funding constraints. The rising consumer leverage could pose potential asset quality challenges and higher unsecured lending could lead to higher credit costs. Recently released minutes of the monetary policy committee reinforced the need for RBI to ensure that the weighted average call rate (WACR) remains close to the repo rate which tends to move beyond the MSF rate due to a prolonged systemic liquidity deficit. 

  1. Impending liquidity stress: 

Targeting a 4 percent CPI inflation as against 5.1 percent recorded in January 2024, RBI would opt to keep liquidity tight in line with its monetary policy stance of ‘withdrawal of accommodation’. Liquidity distribution in the system has been recently skewed as indicated by elevated borrowings by some banks from the RBI at the MSF rates.

Therefore, managing liquidity risks will become more costly in the near term with the potential to erode future profitability. Even after the policy cycle eases, immediate relief is difficult as the decline in lending rates for loans linked to repo rates would be faster than the repricing of deposit rates due to a higher share of variable-rate loans in the system. 

Regulatory norms for managing liquidity risks call for a 100 percent liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) against liquidity gaps for the next 30 days while maintaining a Net stable Funding ratio (NFSR) on an ongoing basis. Hence banks will have to hold proportionate high-quality liquid assets (HQLA) adding to the costs. 

2. Strategic liquidity shifts: 

According to World Bank data, the gross domestic savings (GDS) has dropped from 34.3 percent in 2010 to 29.1 percent in 2022. Household savings in physical assets have increased from Rs. 22.52 trillion in 2018-19 to Rs. 27.69 trillion whereas financial savings have increased from Rs. 22. 63 trillion to Rs. 25.97 trillion during the same period with an obvious bias towards physical assets.  Out of financial savings, investments in non-bank financial institutions are on the rise. The reforms in the insurance sector and increased sensitivity towards health insurance during COVID-19 times can divert more savings to the insurance sector. 

Increasing financial inclusion and financial literacy is diverting savings to capital markets and mutual funds. The corpus in mutual funds breached the mark of Rs 50 trillion to reach Rs. 50.77 trillion in December 2023. The number of demat accounts is set to reach the mark of 150 million. The increased activism of Fintech and other NBFCs through app-based financial products is improving their pie. 

On the other hand, the transformation of customer profiles is interesting. The share of millennials and Gen Z in the country’s population stands close to 52 percent, higher than the global average of 47 percent in 2022. They form the major chunk of bank consumers holding multiple digital wallets, online banking facilities, demat accounts, and securities trading accounts needing quick access to liquidity ‘on go’. The rise in personal loans, consumer loans, and credit card outstanding is another indicator of spending shift and preference for quick liquidity. Even after risk-weighted assets on them were raised by RBI, there is no slowdown in these business segments. 

The recent data from RBI shows that the demand deposits are falling from 44.4 percent in March 2019 to 41.55 percent in March 2023. Even deposits of up to one year fell from 44.4 percent to 36.7 percent during the same period. As a result, the deposits beyond one year duration are rising pushing up the cost of funds. Many banks are even allowing premature withdrawal of term deposits through net banking services making liquidity more vulnerable. 

3. Tools to mitigate liquidity risks: 

The structural liquidity framework (SLF) prescribed by RBI captures the residual maturity of assets and liabilities providing information on expected gaps/surplus liquidity in different time horizons. SLF can be an effective tool for managing liquidity risk provided, the actual inflows and outflows of funds are realized exactly in sync with the gap data. Based upon SLF reading, banks can plan infusion/deployment of funds at optimum costs. 

But in practice, the inflows may not necessarily be on expected lines due to unexpected loan defaults and market risks on investments causing liquidity crunch. As part of risk governance, the Asset Liability Management Committee (ALCO) monitors the position of liquidity risks under the guidance of a Sub-Committee of the board on risk management. Among many roles, ALCO has two important roles – (i) to set direction to meet immediate liquidity needs and (ii) to gradually mold the future pool of assets and liabilities into desired time buckets to mitigate liquidity risk by using fine-tuned risk-based pricing and product innovation strategies. It can then align inflows and outflows to mitigate risks. 

However, in an evolving stressed liquidity environment where the banking system is on interoperable technology, it is necessary to understand the behavioral shift of young consumers.  Their savings pattern is fast shifting the gears exposing liquidity flows to new forms of risks. The inability to factor these granular nuances in managing liquidity risks may increase vulnerability. 

In the given complex shift of liquidity pattern, ALCO will have to move beyond its tactical role to draw up liquidity management strategies to adopt longer-duration plans concentrating more on how to visualize inflows and outflows of funds in different time buckets. ALCO needs the support of in-depth research, and economic and business intelligence inputs on consumer behavior to steer innovation to better manage rising liquidity risks. Past ways of managing liquidity risks may need tectonic shifts with product innovation and newer ideas to augment resources. 



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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