Elections & emotional blackmails



The elections of 2024, have thrown on our faces all kinds of narratives, ranging from nauseating fearmongering to electrifying exaggerations. People making such claims have millions of followers on social media and their only aim seems to be making citizens of India, insecure, one way or the other. Do they think we are fools and fall into the trap? No, we will not. But if you look at their followings you feel otherwise. There is still a good percentage of citizens who believe them blindly and think as they want them to think, which of course is very dangerous. 

Elections are the biggest festival of any democracy, symbolizing the power of the people to shape their collective destiny. However, what we are witnessing today is far from celebratory—it’s become a relentless slugfest and a sickening emotional blackmail. Some voices lament the perceived descent into dictatorship, fearing the erosion of democratic values, while others rally around the notion of religious preservation, convinced that their lives and faith are under imminent threat. Ufff…..the list is endless.

The digital realm has become a battleground, inundating us with a barrage of videos, reels, and social media posts designed to polarize and sow seeds of fear among Indians. Emotions run high, and the popularity of such content reflects the prevailing atmosphere of anxiety and tension. In this charged atmosphere, those advocating for peace and communal harmony find themselves relegated to the sidelines, their messages drowned out by the noise of divisive politics. Even the common man, weary from the toils of everyday life, finds solace in the sensationalism and drama peddled by such content. Thus, the demand for emotionally charged narratives—served with a generous helping of sensationalism—remains high. In this environment, it seems that everyone is pitted against everyone else, fostering a sense of societal fragmentation and discord that undermines the very fabric of our democracy.

While it’s a joyride for the content creators who earn big bucks, it puts a huge question mark on the citizens of the country who are giving them a freehold over their emotions. Personally, I feel, that each citizen must contribute towards nation-building, whichever way he thinks is right, without falling for the trap laid by these social media influencers. Use your brains, see for yourself, what is happening around you, work for your country to make it better, use your senses, decide for yourself what is right and what is wrong. Hatred for one should not make you blind towards all the good that is around it. Try to look beyond the one-sided narrative that you have been fed and reflect at how you can take your country forward. Your country should be your badge of honour, a religion like no other, nation first should be above and beyond everything else. 

I still believe in the goodness that each Indian carries in his/her heart. We only have to rise above the divisive propaganda only when we unite as a nation, keeping aside our differences, we can move ahead in the right direction. The hatred fed to us is not going to take us anywhere, it is only filling up the coffers of hate mongers. Don’t let anyone defame it or malign this beautiful country of ours. It us our country, let’s take it to beautiful heights, make it the best, without fear. As Rabindranath Tagore rightly said-

Where the mind is without fear

and the head is held high

Where knowledge is free

Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls; Where words come out from the depths of truth;

Where tireless striving

stretches its arms towards perfection; Where the clear stream of reason

has not lost its way into the

dreary desert sand of dead habit; Where the mind is led forward

by thee into ever-widening

thought and action-

into that heaven of freedom,

my father,

let my country awake. 

Never ask what your country can do for you, always ask what you can do for your country.

Jai Hind



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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