Election tourism: India’s Dance of Democracy could prove a money-spinning attraction, drawing overseas tourists



Freedom, which is another word for democracy, is deemed to be invaluable, and ought not to have a price tag put on it.

Such reservations notwithstanding, the upcoming Lok Sabha elections are reportedly going to be the most costly and the biggest, in the history of democracy, involving some 960 million voters, and 62 political parties contesting 543 seats. But even as this epic exercise makes for a government of the people, for the people and by the people, can it also, as the cherry on top of the cake of democracy, become a profit-making enterprise by monetising it and turning it into a tourist attraction?

India offers many kinds of tourism. There’s Taj Mahal tourism, and wildlife tourism, and medical tourism, and village-stay tourism, and Himalayan trekking tourism, and pilgrimage tourism, and yoga tourism, and now temple and spiritual tourism. So why not election tourism?
Visitors from the world over could have a ringside view of the planet’s biggest democracy in action as it exercises its franchise.

The rousing rhetoric and the thronging rallies of the campaign trail, the to-ings and fro-ings of Aya Rams and Gaya Rams, the horse trading that has nothing to do with four-legged livestock, the allegations and counterallegations of rigging and booth-capturing. With the election schedule announced by EC and the model code of conduct kicking in, some of this tamasha will be curtailed.

However, there’s still the hubbub and hullabaloo of exit polls, and full-blast TV sets featuring astrologers disguised as political pundits, and political pundits in the guise of astrologers, predicting who’s in and who’s out, and reports of truckloads full of booze and boodle nabbed by cops, and the long queues outside polling booths, and on-the-spot interviews with the youngest voter, 18 years and 0 days, and the oldest, 92 and going strong.

And the ballot-caster proudly displaying her finger bearing the mark of democracy, showing that Incredible India is also Indelible India!



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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