
Grand ‘open-box’ sales mark all festive seasons. But nothing beats the ongoing ballot-box sale. Everyone is up for grabs; the greater the need, the bigger the bonanza offered. Here too electrical appliances are the most noticeable feature. This time much has been made of the washing machine.

Bahut Josh Party is Brand Leader No. 1, wringing to the last drop Band Leader No.1’s superior technology. Once rivals have been put through the 100 ripostes per minute spin cycle, they emerge limp, and are hung out to dry. Although it doesn’t use a remote control and relies entirely on natural intelligence, this model is still way more state of the art than any others on the electoral market. Its sales pitch constantly disses the closest contender as ‘Nationally Washed-out Congress’. But here’s the thing. Main rival ‘I Need Drastic Intervention Asap’ bloc is highlighting this machine’s USP in its own campaigns. Namely, Bahut Josh Party’s near-miraculous ability to wash darkly coloureds into whites you’ve never seen.

However, washing machines aren’t the only elect-rical appliance selling like hot MPs. One can spot several other staples. The goal is to microwave your opponents, so lo-tech OTGs too can toast your own and grill the rest. ‘Induction’ stoves enjoy an uptick. The humble iron sees biggest price spiral. Some parties to prevent being totally crushed, others to prevent any wrinkle in ambition – everyone is smoothening out differences with allies, rivals or their own disgruntled. Steamed-up frontrunner is no exception.

Even in double-engine showpiece UP, BJP has always had to woo others. This time, it pressed its suit with state-rival BJD’s Naveen Patnaik till creases showed. But TDP’s Chandrababu Naidu has been ‘Reddy-ly’ chosen over ally YSR’s Jagan Mohan.

Delhi reels under a unique power-cut: the plug has been pulled on AAP’s leadership supply. Other states too are sweating on similar counts. But in Maharashtra’s Baramati, there’s two much Pawar at play; each shrimati vies to corner it for her own family.

Heir-conditioning has takers, but in dry poll heat, desert-ers could be cooler.
Alec Smart said: “Aruna-chal gayi? Never! We’ll beti bachao.”



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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