Elders as the shrestha whose conduct inspires citizens to be committed to work as worship



We all agree that each citizen must be educated and trained to be committed to disciplines, codes of ethics, codes of conduct, commitment to duties and to the fundamental duties of our constitution, Article 51A, etc. aka kartavya-palan, obviously because it leads to excellence in work, success, and prosperity. However, all modern systems, education, politics, administration have failed to inspire citizens to imbibe commitment to kartavya-palan; obviously because teachers and leaders are themselves poor role models!

We have failed to follow and realise the traditional wisdom of our forefathers that kartavya-palan is also the passport for all inner spiritual progress, besides external effectiveness and productivity. Commitment to duties alone leads to inner-purity of mind, chitta-suddhi, and opens the way to imbibing the spirit of selflessness, of work as worship, and thence ability, self-control, will power, viveka to walk-the-talk towards highest and best goal and fulfilment of life’s purpose!

Today it must be our duty, as elders of society, to inspire ourselves and others to understand the what, why & how to work?

Shared vision of future: The Academy in Mussoorie, where government servants are trained to become IAS, etc. has its Motto as ‘Yogaha Karmasu Kaushalam’. This is also the Motto of the world’s best institute, the well-known IIT.

The modern problem is that neither we as parents nor our teachers, political leaders or administrators have ever bothered to understand or imbibe the ideal of work which is the very foundation of not only the highest and best of modern government servants and professionals, but also is the very basis of the glorious samskriti of India, that once was the prosperous Bharat. 

All greedy foreigners flocked to India not because we were poor, but to loot our wealth and partake in its spiritual wisdom of commitment to kartavya-palan to realise our Oneness with the whole world as our family!

The motto simply means that the ‘kaushalam’, ‘Skill’ in Karma, actions/work, is that skill of ‘selflessness’, which when imbibed and practised thru’ inner governance, purifies and expands the mind so that it ‘unites’ (Yoga) with the self, consciousness, god, spirit and ‘regains’ (Latin of religion) perfection in life or something like it.

Skill in Work: Work is 24×7 Thoughts-words-Actions and Intentions behind them. Work becomes Yoga when we strive to work selflessly for the long-term good of all and we learn to work not just for immediate and short-term goals but to attain the highest and best! 

It was way back in 1985 that the GOI first laid the foundation for revival of the wisdom of Bharat when GOI declared Vivekananda as the National Youth Icon who in his lectures on Karma Yoga has expressed that the need of the hour was to combine the best of the West and East, as Practical Vedanta, as “work done for the good of the World, leads to Regain highest Perfection.

Now, the GOI Mission Karma Yogi, KY, has taken up this ideal of Work as worship of God in man, and the Global G20 vision of One World. One Family. One Future.

Education, growing-up and religions must all now focus to teach and convince us of the Reality that in some ways we are all interconnected, interdependent and inter-related. Whatever we “share, partake” is a result of the efforts of millions of others – as people, as forces of nature, as creation. Our very presence, existence, and survival itself is dependent on millions of others! How can we afford to be selfish! Shouldn’t religions and education be made responsible and held accountable if citizens fail to learn to strive to fulfil their duties, selflessly!

As the elders and as teachers and leaders we should consciously exercise mentorship and create systems which inspire and communicate the idea that to the extent and proportion that we’re selfless to that extent we act righteously and become fit to be leaders in academia, politics, governance. 

Our role as residents, NGO’s, welfare associations? How can we all strive to see that the whole society is once again built based on knowing, appreciating, and then approaching selflessness within the various conflicting self-centred stakeholders! There must be many people who have spare time or can find time to volunteer their knowledge, skills, and wisdom in a spirit of Service for long-term good of society as a whole, not as ‘My vs your’.

How can we exercise our leadership and wisdom to create study-circles, etc. to inspire the people around us in our colonies as RWAs, and within our vocational spaces to study, discuss, create innovative ways to appreciate the profundity of selflessness and the importance of offering our knowledge and skills as service to society, as our highest ideal, as our highest worship.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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