Elderly, wise, and web-savvy: Staying secure in the digital era



Mrs. Gupta, a sprightly 70-year-old retiree, wakes up to a seemingly harmless email in her inbox. It’s from her bank, notifying her of a large withdrawal from her account, and to review the transaction. Panicked, she clicks the link they provided and logs in. Little does she know that this email is part of a phishing scam designed just to steal her sensitive information. The link she clicked directed her to a page that looked just like her bank’s website – but it wasn’t. She unknowingly entered her password into a website designed and controlled by a malicious attacker.

Mrs. Gupta is far from being alone in this situation – she is just one of thousands. As older adults embrace technology for communication, shopping, and entertainment, they also become susceptible to online scams and fraud. And as a generation for whom none of this existed in their childhood, being thrust into the online world (and its shady lanes) is indeed challenging. Much of what we have today would have been considered fantasy in their childhood. There’s a steep learning curve involved, and it can be scary. That is exactly what cyber criminals rely on – fear and uncertainty. And the only way forward, the only way to beat them is by dispelling these fears through education and awareness. Here are a few key steps that senior citizens can take to protect themselves from cyber crime.

Be Careful of What you Click
What Mrs. Gupta fell for is known as a phishing attack – an attack that is the most common reason for compromise. Con artists fool people into giving them sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card numbers. They do this by pretending to be someone or something trustworthy, like a bank, social media platform, or even a friend. They may send fake emails, messages, or set up fake websites that look very similar to the real ones. To quickly spot a phishing attempt, look for emails from suspicious domains. For example, MasterCard will contact you through an email that ends with mastercard.com, not gmx.com. Emails that begin with generic greetings, have urgent or fear-inducing language (for example, click here NOW to update your details), or contain offers that are too good to be true are generally phishing emails. Do not click on these links – simply ignore them, or report them using the ‘Mark as Phishing’ option in your Inbox.

Don’t Talk to Strangers
This pre-Internet era advice seems appropriate even today. If you don’t know someone, don’t talk to them over the phone and share sensitive information like your credit card numbers, passwords and banking PINs. This also includes details that may seem harmless, such as your place of birth, the name of your pet, or the school you went to. Con artists can use this information to either recover your password, guess it, or craft emails that you are likely to click on. Remember, banks and credit card companies never call you to ask for your OTP or password.

Say I’ll call you Back!
In the event that you think the bank may actually have contacted you, there’s a simple yet effective test to find out. Hang up and call the bank – look up the customer support number yourself (don’t use the one from an email!). The bank will be able to confirm whether there actually is a problem with your account. In addition to phishing scams, tech support fraud is a prevalent threat. Scammers may pose as tech support personnel, claiming to fix computer issues remotely, and installing malware instead. The same principle applies – if Microsoft tech support claims to have called you, hang up, and call Microsoft tech support yourself.

Don’t be afraid to Seek Help
There are many Mrs. Guptas around us – but they are too scared, ashamed or proud to admit that they fell for these scams. But admitting uncertainty or vulnerability is not a sign of weakness; it’s a testament to your willingness to learn and adapt in an ever-changing digital world. Talk to your kids and grandkids – ask them about the latest in the cyber world! Check with them whether an email is legitimate or not. And if you start noticing suspicious activity on any of your accounts, inform them so that they can take quick mitigation steps.

Cybersecurity can be complex, and scammers are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their tactics. Being “easy” targets (as perceived by attackers), senior citizens must be cognizant of what they click and share online. By leaning on trusted sources and tapping into expert advice, we can build a stronger defense against cyber threats and ensure that our seniors continue to enjoy the benefits of the internet securely. Remember, knowledge is power, and together, we can fortify India’s elderly population as digital defenders in the face of cyber adversaries.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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