
Amit Kumar

Amit Kumar was trained as a Mechanical Engineer with specialization in thermal engineering from the University of Roorkee (now Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee) where h

The recent spate of effigies’ burning has brought back focus on this largely unorganized and cottage industry. Not to be confused with effigies of Ravan, etc. burnt during Ram Leelas; political effigies are used for symbolic punishment in political protests. It is said that burning the effigy of political entities to ridicule and dishonour them is a very old ritual prevalent from the time of the Roman empire. Though more widespread in this part of the subcontinent, it is not as if effigies are not burnt in more developed parts of the world. Thus, realizing the potential market of political effigies and the employment opportunities this sector may offer, a multistakeholder consultation was convened. Rubbing shoulders with new-age technopreneurs were the local artisans as well as representatives of the protesting community i.e., the end-users. The main point of discussion was to move from barely recognizable and disfigured effigies to technologically advanced effigies in line with the new development paradigm converging in 2047. Also present were technology platforms connecting users with the service providers. Such was the anticipation that even storied VCs were present, confident of multiplying their equity investments several times through skyrocketing valuation of this sure shot decacorns segment.

There were suggestions about the use of holograms with AI propelled drones obliterating them. But the agency supplying professional protestors scoffed at such suggestions pointing out that the deep fake industry had already taken great strides in that direction. The important criterion was to have an object that provides touch and feel of a real one yet demonstrating deeply fake sentiments – sentiments that are perpetually found to be in a hurtfulness state, imaginary or otherwise. Surprisingly, there was a consensus about marrying local craftsmanship with the sophisticated technology, fully loaded with the likes of remote-controlled cold pyrotechnics. Keeping in with the climate change commitments, the mandate also included effigies to conform to three `R’s: reduce, reuse, and recycle. In other words, the modern effigies must not be of one-time use variety but ready to repurposed for altogether different protests within a short timeframe. A decision whether to keep certain audio-video features optional was left for a sub-committee constituted specifically for the purpose. That’s how launched were `Mission PUTLAA’ (Protest Under Technology & Local Aggregation Access) and a skill development programme for `PUTLAA Mitra’.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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