Education has the duty to ensure we ‘Imbibe’ constitutional fundamental duties thru’ daily self-development practices



From the very beginning we as elders, parents, academia etc. must be aware, responsible and accountable to teach respect for our ‘Composite culture’ which represents the holistic, healthy, truthful vision of India that is Bharat, that we’re all ONE in spirit and our goal is to Strive to selflessly work for long-term good of whole Creation to regain and realize oneness. This vision was reiterated as Global G20 of “One World. One Family. One Future.” And GOI mission Karma Yogi.

Ethics, morals, and values are not just mere subjects to be taught. Instead, they should be imbibed through daily self-development practices. Without teaching the spirit of oneness, harmony, and commitment to righteousness etc. in mainstream systems of education, while allowing minorities to divide societies based on separatist idea of ‘My vs Your’, we see the rise of polarization and hatred for the other.

India that is Bharat is the custodian of the worldview of Harmony & Oneness. It is our duty as elders to be Mentors of samaaja by striving to understand, respect, teach, spread this worldview of Oneness, e.g., “Love thy neighbour as thyself”; “learn to treat work as worship”; “learn to worship your mother, father, teacher, ‘atithi/stranger’, nature, etc. as living gods”. Only this healthy worldview can kill the separatist mindset that modern education and religions teach and preach!

Our BEd and various academic and management courses dealing with Human Resources, etc. can be designed to help us be inspired to know about various practices and be inspired to adopt some of the many available daily practices. All practices must be focused on developing selflessness, commitment to righteousness and to respective kartavya-palan. The fruit of our practices could be judged based on whether it is leading to love, care, concern, oneness, with more and more or just for me and mine. And whether we are growing in self-control, will power, discriminative intellect, to know and be inspired towards striving for long-term good for more and more and towards higher goals!

Teachers in schools and colleges must be trained to be Mentors to learn, understand and be aware of various self-development practices. They can then adopt some practices and then reflect together and with Parents and help each child evolve its daily self-development practices to walk-the-talk and provide the environment, space, time, guidance.

2. Unfortunately, modern societies, sciences, education totally ignore this wisdom of oneness. Result is manifolds: – Spread of terrorism, fanaticism, communal disharmony, wide spread discord, My vs Your religion or party or caste, etc. No harmony or discussions on our common universal North. No common universal ideas, discussions, awareness on purpose of work, living, and creation! No idea on how to awaken Viveka-buddhi to ‘Know’ and ‘choose’ the long-term good over short-term pleasure. No knowledge of kingdom of God within. No idea that we are all one as consciousness but attached with our separate body-minds we feel as if separate.

3. Schooling and growing up must be focused on giving us the inspiration to get established in daily self-development processes and to appreciate that all religions are in essence exhorting us to some daily spiritual readings, worship, and self-development practices, Swadhyaya and Sadhana, which can be broadly classified as:

i) Gyana Yoga: Daily practices like self-study, reflection, discussions, explorations, debates, study of comparative religious ideas, etc., so that we may acquire knowledge of creation and intellectual conviction thru’ reflections so as to transform our Beliefs, into intellectual clarity and appreciate and learn to see the same consciousness within each being and, in all creation. ii) Raja Yoga, meditation etc., to learn to improve quality of thought and direct them towards the highest truths by keeping busy on planned goals, Raja Yoga. iii) Bhakti Yoga, pray and worship, our respective God idea. iv) Karma Yoga, selflessly working for long-term good of all.

4. If we’re sincerely interested then any combination of these self-development practices, of any religion, can purify our mind, i.e., we grow in realization of our identity as consciousness till we ourselves experience perfection, freedom, nirvana, heaven, etc., provided we get established in daily self-development practices. Of course, not all will grow towards oneness, but elders have to create the systems to give wisdom along with whatever we teach nowadays!

5. It is imperative that we educate people about our unifying culture, our worldview of ‘whole creation as our family’, so that we can imbibe the spirit of our fundamental duties, which enjoins us “to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India”; “to value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture”; “to have compassion for living creatures”; “develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform” and, to “strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavor and achievement”. Even the Supreme Court has directed that it must be brought into mainstream education.

6. Shouldn’t we all focus on determining: How do we introduce and spread the need to imbibe the inspiring spirit of our fundamental duties and the spiritual focus of our composite culture? if we do not make it a part of schooling and growing up how do we inspire the young to strive to reach for the highest by fulfilling our duties and having care and concern for all, equally?



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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