Economy class luxuries: On getting even with the bizclass wallahs



Watch any Grand Slam and all the top tennis players call for three or four identical tennis balls before each service, stare at them and then reject two most arbitrarily. Never figured out how they make this choice and what’s so special about the ones they keep but I empathise with the ones thrown away.

That is because I feel like those discarded balls when I enter an aircraft through business class with all those smug pax sprawled in wide chairs sipping juice as I chug along to my teeny weeny seat at the back and shoehorn myself into it. The feeling of being dumped in life’s dustbin intensifies if you first walk through the first class suites, then business and off to your postage stamp plot. You really begin to believe you are a loser. Who are these people, I worked so hard for so many years, where did it all go wrong, why did life put me in the back of the bus and not offer me a lavender-soaked hot, wet towel? Look at this lot, they don’t look any more to the manner born.

Invariably you meet someone en route the aisle whom you don’t want to meet and he is grinning in his deluxe surroundings and spraying pity at you and hoping he has embarrassed you with his elevated status so now you are compelled to deceitfully explain you are slumming because the agent messed up or it was a last-minute thing and you were rushed and he has that patronising ‘poor you of the great unwashed masses’ look on his face.

But get a light load on a flight and economy suddenly brightens up and you can get even. I am on this three-hour flight and have seven free seats with a place on the exit row making a full stretch possible and I lift the handle bar and can lie down and relax. And along comes you know who from business to gloat and I say, whattt, you paid ₹19,000 more for bizclass, what a waste, this is so comfortable, there you are stuck with a stranger in the two abreast biz section, not smart my friend, it’s only a short flight.

Talk about the pleasures of getting even for all those other times. Because now he goes into the lengthy explanation about his secretary messing up and if only he had known, such an unnecessary expense and now I am the smug one and have that unspoken ‘a fool and his money’ look on my face. You know what, on these occasions you can have your hot eucalyptussoaked wet towel.



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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