
Alarm around EC resignation is right about poor optics. But, it won’t have any impact on election schedule

An election commissioner resigned less than a week before expected announcement of 2024 Lok Sabha elections. India’s three-body ECI, heading into general elections, has two posts vacant. While some media reports indicate a PM-led meeting may be held mid-March to decide EC appointments, opposition parties have raised red flags about Arun Goel’s departure. But worries articulated are, at this point, moot.

Transparency helps | It is certainly a matter of concern that Goel’s sudden resignation surprised the institution itself. This speaks to the need for transparency within ECI, as much as with citizens and stakeholders. It’s imperative that reasons accompany such high-level decisions, or rumour mills run amok. In this case, speculation on health and a falling-out with CEC – likened to Ashok Lavasa’s resignation in 2020 – were strenuously denied.

Constitutional check OK | That said, there’s no reason why elections should not proceed per schedule, either constitutionally, or operationally. CEC is in whom the Constitution (Art 342) vests power. Picking election commissioners is the job of a committee of PM, his chosen minister and LoP. This is not the best way to appoint ECs, there’s an almost inbuilt 2-1 skew. But that’s how the law was written, contrary to SC’s judgment.

India’s most challenging election was its first one, in 1951-52. Only a CEC handled it, with resounding success. In 1990, the two EC posts were even abolished briefly. CEC is well within his right to single-handedly conduct the election.

Operational check OK | Every state election commission, which actually conducts the poll, is prepared to its teeth. As are railways and paramilitary. All told, about 1.5 crore poll personnel are involved. The system is ready, the gargantuan machinery waiting for word go. Jeopardising this carefully tuned detailed roll-out is not on the cards.

In 2019, elections were announced March 10, polls commenced April 11. Couple of weeks here or there matters little. That said, political parties’ and candidates’ campaigns are in full flow, and till election schedule is announced, they enjoy a free pass.
On disputes, fact is serious dispute resolutions are all settled by court, so an EC’s resignation does not, in effect, impact that.

CEC supreme | CEC has tremendous powers, including deciding on matters where there is a gap in law. The post is above ECs – CEC can be removed only in a manner similar to removal of judges. But CEC can sack ECs. Goel’s resignation came at an unfortunate moment. But there is little need to rush to fill the vacancies.


This piece appeared as an editorial opinion in the print edition of The Times of India.



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