Don’t lose sleep over inequality



Bihar has the lowest consumption inequality among the largest states, Kerala highest. Migrants from the more equal to the less equal state underline what matters in a developing country: Fighting poverty

Unlike poverty, which many countries, including India, have successfully combated through the instrumentality of growth and anti-poverty programmes, inequality lacks easy solutions. Those who have made careers out of sounding the alarm about rising inequality have rarely succeeded in doing anything about it. Not only is combating inequality inherently difficult, but the form of inequality on which alarmists focus often does not resonate with the public, denying them policymakers’ ear.

A commonest measure of inequality on which experts focus is the Gini coefficient. For those unfamiliar with it, Gini is an index that takes a value of 0 when income (or wealth) is equally divided among the members of a group and 1 if it concentrates in the hands of a single member. A rising value of the index indicates rising inequality.

In India, we have periodically conducted large-scale consumption expenditure surveys of representative households, which allow us to track the value of this Gini coefficient over time, nationally and for individual states.

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