Don’t diss the dragon: Mainstream commentariat now sees China stagnating but there is also a case for its economy bouncing back. The brightest spots include its still formidable tech prowess and EVs



Long after some of us recognised that China had fallen “off the miracle path” and may never become the world’s largest economy, commentators of all stripes are now trumpeting that conclusion for the same reasons. An aging population, high debt levels and a meddling government are turning China into a fading power like Japan of the 1990s, when its economy slowed sharply but avoided an outright crisis.


Since the mainstream commentariat can be relied on to be a step or two behind – recall that a year ago the consensus call was for a reopening boom in China and an inevitable recession in the US – it’s worth asking what the “Japanification” scenario is currently missing. It could be flawed in two very different ways, at least in the short term.


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