
Fear not the cyber brainees. They are like us only

Gemini is a constellation; it’s now also a black hole. Gemini is a circus; it’s now also a tight-rope act and some clownish reactions. Gemini, as in Ganesan, was an SI superstar, sire of Bollywoodie Rekha; the same-name AI superstar crossed the Lakshman rekha in its comments on our PM-ji. Before the recent red faces, it had turned its rivals green.

Demis Hassabis, CEO and co-founder of Gemini-developer DeepMind, had smugly boasted, ‘With a score of 90.0%, Gemini Ultra is the first model to outperform human experts on MMMLU (massive multitask language understanding) which uses a combination of 57 subjects such as math, physics, history, law, medicine and ethics for testing both world knowledge and problem-solving abilities. (It) enables Gemini to use its reasoning capabilities to think more carefully before answering difficult questions (instead of), just using its first impression.’ Really??

Turns out Gemini is as human in its frailties, and equally chainedto the human bondage of racial prejudice. This is what made it throw up ‘unsubstantiated results’ in response to a query on a personage somewhat suprahuman himself. Google has abjectly apologised, and admitted that its ultra-thinker is ‘unreliable’. Gemini’s bloomers have even withered the super status of Sundar Pichai himself. Beware! The general rah-rah exhortation to ‘embrace AI’ could sometimes be like the famous Shivaji-Afzal Khan clinch.

So, like latter-day Luddites, we could smash not machines but machine learning, and scoff, ‘The Artificial Intelligencia are like us only.’ Yes, algorithms are as susceptible to arhythmic bio-imbalances; they too can have bad hAIr days. But, no, we don’t proclaim genius and then say ‘Oh, it’s a work in progress.’ So, if to err is extra-human too, maybe they too could borrow our human excuses. Like our equally ‘fallible’ netas, Gemini could claim it had been ‘quoted out of context’. Though it might be a stretch for DeepMind to say, ‘Hey it’s a DeepFake.’

Alec Smart said, “It will be less Woeman’s Day when more of our own speak out like the Spanish biker instead of being forced to cower. The shame is the rapist’s, not theirs.”



Views expressed above are the author’s own.



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